Hot Fishin' Weeklies
Use the results of your existing matches to enter Tournaments to win big cash prizes.
We compile all angler match results into the Weekly Tournaments giving them a chance to win cash prizes.
The top 3 positions for each Tournament win a percentage of the total entry prize pot. The remaining pot is distributed to the rest of the contestants in equal prizes each week, offering many opportunities to win.
Anglers require one credit for any individual match to be entered into a Tournament. Anglers can enter as many individual match results from the week as they wish, but each will require a separate credit. So entering two matches to the same Weekly Tournament would require two credits.
Any winnings will be paid back to the angler via the Hot Fishin’ platform by a method of your choosing.
How do I enter a Tournament?
Firstly your match organiser must be using and scoring their matches on Hot Fishin’. You as an angler can then create a free account and get your results from them. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
Within your Angler Account you can then choose to buy credits to enter match results in the different tournaments.
How much does it cost to enter the Weekly Tournaments?
It costs £5 to buy a credit for any individual match to be entered into any one Tournament. If you wanted to enter the same match results into two Tournaments you would need 2 credits.
What do I have to do to win a Tournament?
There are various Weekly Tournaments and the same match results can be entered into more than one Tournament if you wish. To win:
The Open Match hourly bagger
It’s the angler who fished a Open Match and caught the highest average weight per hour that week for any one match.
The open match hourly bagger
It’s the angler who fished an open match and caught the highest average weight per hour that week for any one match
The 8s Weights Challenge
The winner is the angler who has the best performance compared to the top 8 performers at your match. Performance is measured by your net weight compared to the average of the anglers in the top eight. These matches need a minimum set of anglers to qualify.
How do I receive prize money if I win?
If you rank high enough to be eligible for a prize, money will be transferred back to you directly via Hot Fishin’. There is a section within your account called Your Winnings that lets you know if you win, how much and you can tell us how you would like your prize money transferred back and we will send it accordingly.
Am I automatically part of the competition if my organiser uses Hot Fishin’?
Although all angler and match results will be shown in the Weekly Tournament results, you must have a claimed Hot Fishin’ angler account and buy the required credits to become a contestant and be eligible to win prizes.
Are all my matches automatically submitted to the Weekly Tournament?
You must nominate your match before the start time within your Hot Fishin’ angler account
What are the criteria for a match to be entered into the Nationwide Tournament?
Link to automated rules above
How do I enter my match results for the Weekly Tournaments?
All matches are included in the Weekly Tournaments unless the organiser specifically opts matches out during the setup process in Hot Fishin’.
We request organisers should create matches a reasonable time before the match start time, to give anglers the opportunity to enter the tournaments.
Does the match organiser have to pay to be part of the Weekly Tournaments?
No. All the match organiser has to do is score their match as normal using the free Hot Fishin’ platform.
It is the individual anglers who pay to enter themselves to any Tournament and it is not compulsory. Each individual angler can choose to create an account and buy credits to put their match results in the Tournaments.
How do my match anglers enter the Nationwide Tournaments?
Anglers will need to create a free account and claim their angler account from the organiser to be able to enter. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
With an account the angler can then choose to buy credits to put their match results in the Tournament.
Do my matches have to be part of the Weekly Tournaments?
You are able to opt a match out if you and your anglers do not want to enter but still want to use the scoring platform. It is not compulsory to enter matches to the Weekly Tournaments but we feel you’d be missing out.
If you do opt a match out that matches anglers will be unable to enter the Weekly Tournaments.
How do I submit match results to the Weekly Tournament?
After each match, the results must be finalised by the organiser in the platform. This means they have been approved to be correct and can no longer be edited once completed. It is the responsibility of the organiser to ensure results are recorded accurately before the deadline of a tournament, as any angler credit purchased cannot be cancelled or returned afterwards.
Weekly Tournaments are finalised the Sunday 3 weeks after any match that week. This is known as the match finalising deadline.