is a free, all in one platform for match organiser and anglers to find, score and share results and competitions
Angler | Total Points | Total Weight | Matches | 20/02/2023 | 21/02/2023 | Sponsor |
1 Andy BennettK0FRA | 2 | 53.411kg117lbs 12oz | 2 | 129.484kg65lbs | 123.927kg52lbs 12oz | — |
2 Lee WrightHIJJZ | 2 | 39.746kg87lbs 10oz | 2 | 117.86kg39lbs 6oz | 121.886kg48lbs 4oz | — |
3 Grant MerrettKS7JO | 3 | 40.767kg89lbs 14oz | 2 | 217.86kg39lbs 6oz | 122.906kg50lbs 8oz | — |
4 Sean AshbyZI3BP | 3 | 28.69kg63lbs 4oz | 2 | 113.948kg30lbs 12oz | 214.742kg32lbs 8oz | — |
5 Jordan Holloway6QAJW | 4 | 39.179kg86lbs 6oz | 2 | 118.03kg39lbs 12oz | 321.149kg46lbs 10oz | — |
6 Jon ArthurB45DV | 4 | 33.934kg74lbs 13oz | 2 | 312.927kg28lbs 8oz | 121.007kg46lbs 5oz | — |
7 Matt GodfreyCRRKJ | 5 | 38.952kg85lbs 14oz | 2 | 317.01kg37lbs 8oz | 221.943kg48lbs 6oz | — |
8 Lee KerryTQ4HW | 5 | 34.757kg76lbs 10oz | 2 | 120.865kg46lbs | 413.891kg30lbs 10oz | — |
9 Kevin WilliamsGW2K4 | 5 | 26.592kg58lbs 10oz | 2 | 113.721kg30lbs 4oz | 412.871kg28lbs 6oz | — |
10 Adam WakelinZCCGG | 5 | 25.004kg55lbs 2oz | 2 | 210.319kg22lbs 12oz | 314.685kg32lbs 6oz | — |
11 Warren JenningsFECHW | 5 | 23.984kg52lbs 14oz | 2 | 212.587kg27lbs 12oz | 311.397kg25lbs 2oz | — |
12 Lee FarmerWY38A | 6 | 27.329kg60lbs 4oz | 2 | 216.329kg36lbs | 411kg24lbs 4oz | — |
13 Tom ScholeyT52H1 | 6 | 25.911kg57lbs 2oz | 2 | 410.149kg22lbs 6oz | 215.762kg34lbs 12oz | — |
14 Simon Fry32Y9F | 6 | 25.174kg55lbs 8oz | 2 | 49.185kg20lbs 4oz | 215.989kg35lbs 4oz | — |
15 Jonathan Jowett9QWH2 | 6 | 23.984kg52lbs 14oz | 2 | 59.072kg20lbs | 114.912kg32lbs 14oz | — |
16 Cam HughesEDKIG | 8 | 28.86kg63lbs 10oz | 2 | 710.489kg23lbs 2oz | 118.37kg40lbs 8oz | — |
17 Shaun Smart81KX9 | 8 | 27.896kg61lbs 8oz | 2 | 411.226kg24lbs 12oz | 416.67kg36lbs 12oz | — |
18 Adam PalmerTOHBS | 8 | 26.422kg58lbs 4oz | 2 | 68.618kg19lbs | 217.804kg39lbs 4oz | — |
19 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 8 | 24.948kg55lbs | 2 | 511kg24lbs 4oz | 313.948kg30lbs 12oz | — |
20 Adam LoganIXAH0 | 8 | 24.607kg54lbs 4oz | 2 | 510.206kg22lbs 8oz | 314.402kg31lbs 12oz | — |
21 Paul NewellBNXQ8 | 8 | 22.056kg48lbs 10oz | 2 | 59.129kg20lbs 2oz | 312.927kg28lbs 8oz | — |
22 Secret Angler | 9 | 23.984kg52lbs 14oz | 2 | 411.793kg26lbs | 512.19kg26lbs 14oz | — |
23 Jack HarnessCUQWR | 9 | 22.906kg50lbs 8oz | 2 | 216.103kg35lbs 8oz | 76.804kg15lbs | — |
24 Matt RosevearIU2X9 | 9 | 22.566kg49lbs 12oz | 2 | 59.185kg20lbs 4oz | 413.381kg29lbs 8oz | — |
25 Liam LynottI14JU | 9 | 22.453kg49lbs 8oz | 2 | 311.567kg25lbs 8oz | 610.886kg24lbs | — |
26 Darren CoxIFRK1 | 9 | 21.999kg48lbs 8oz | 2 | 310.206kg22lbs 8oz | 611.793kg26lbs | — |
27 Danny HardingEBO47 | 9 | 18.711kg41lbs 4oz | 2 | 212.814kg28lbs 4oz | 75.897kg13lbs | — |
28 Matt GeorgeBQUAR | 9 | 17.945kg39lbs 9oz | 2 | 58.165kg18lbs | 49.781kg21lbs 9oz | — |
29 Brandon George5IZV2 | 10 | 22.084kg48lbs 11oz | 2 | 86.832kg15lbs 1oz | 215.252kg33lbs 10oz | |
30 Martin PageLT5EX | 10 | 19.448kg42lbs 14oz | 2 | 311.907kg26lbs 4oz | 77.541kg16lbs 10oz | — |
31 Daniel WebbDK1KS | 11 | 22.396kg49lbs 6oz | 2 | 610.773kg23lbs 12oz | 511.623kg25lbs 10oz | — |
32 Lee TurnerZ08M5 | 11 | 21.205kg46lbs 12oz | 2 | 410.433kg23lbs | 710.773kg23lbs 12oz | — |
33 Secret Angler | 11 | 20.128kg44lbs 6oz | 2 | 67.428kg16lbs 6oz | 512.701kg28lbs | — |
34 Jack OSullivanJV40J | 11 | 19.448kg42lbs 14oz | 2 | 68.788kg19lbs 6oz | 510.659kg23lbs 8oz | — |
35 Jason CunninghamIO6AQ | 11 | 19.278kg42lbs 8oz | 2 | 310.659kg23lbs 8oz | 88.618kg19lbs | — |
36 Paul CookWPA9Q | 11 | 18.994kg41lbs 14oz | 2 | 411.113kg24lbs 8oz | 77.881kg17lbs 6oz | — |
37 Stephen HarwoodCPQ4G | 12 | 22.226kg49lbs | 2 | 78.165kg18lbs | 514.061kg31lbs | — |
38 Steven Brandist8O61D | 12 | 14.402kg31lbs 12oz | 2 | 64.649kg10lbs 4oz | 69.752kg21lbs 8oz | — |
39 Simon WillsmoreWAQO3 | 13 | 18.427kg40lbs 10oz | 2 | 76.861kg15lbs 2oz | 611.567kg25lbs 8oz | — |
40 Malcom Hicks19LMO | 13 | 14.628kg32lbs 4oz | 2 | 87.031kg15lbs 8oz | 57.598kg16lbs 12oz | — |
41 Secret Angler | 14 | 17.974kg39lbs 10oz | 2 | 77.201kg15lbs 14oz | 710.773kg23lbs 12oz | — |
42 Darren CoatesHUN49 | 14 | 17.066kg37lbs 10oz | 2 | 69.355kg20lbs 10oz | 87.711kg17lbs | — |
43 Wayne SwinscoeET8JL | 14 | 13.778kg30lbs 6oz | 2 | 86.577kg14lbs 8oz | 67.201kg15lbs 14oz | — |
44 David WarrenLHYAQ | 14 | 11.85kg26lbs 2oz | 2 | 84.933kg10lbs 14oz | 66.917kg15lbs 4oz | — |
45 Tim Kinson39FTU | 15 | 12.984kg28lbs 10oz | 2 | 77.031kg15lbs 8oz | 85.953kg13lbs 2oz | — |
46 Secret Angler | 15 | 8.165kg18lbs | 2 | 74.423kg9lbs 12oz | 83.742kg8lbs 4oz | — |
47 Secret Angler | 16 | 13.664kg30lbs 2oz | 2 | 87.824kg17lbs 4oz | 85.84kg12lbs 14oz | — |
48 Andy AnnatA7M4L | 16 | 7.711kg17lbs | 2 | 82.325kg5lbs 2oz | 85.386kg11lbs 14oz | — |
On The Flyer TV - Garbolino Meadowlands two day Silver Cup 2023
2 matches held between Mon, 20th February '23 and Tue, 21st February '23
Hot Fishin' Points is a competition where the results of any match you fish receives points depending on where you rank. Prizes are won for the most points accumulated, from your best 10 matches, over the 13-week season.
Mon, 3rd Jun '24 - Sun, 1st Sep '24
Entry closed on Sun, 23rd Jun '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Mar '24 - Sun, 2nd Jun '24
Entry closed on Sun, 24th Mar '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Dec '23 - Sun, 3rd Mar '24
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Sep '23 - Sun, 3rd Dec '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. We have paused ticket sales this season while we make some major backend enhancements to cope with the scale of anglers involved and make way for a mega Winter Season. With fewer Majors in Autumn all matches will fit into either the Open Matches or the Club Matches category. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 5th Jun '23 - Sun, 3rd Sep '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Summer season we had an amazing engagement from 7,468 unique anglers involved. We gave away over £10,000 in prizes and hosted a dedicated YouTube show, The Weigh-In , that followed the results of the anglers and matches in the tournament.
Mon, 6th Mar '23 - Sun, 4th Jun '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Spring season we had an impressive engagement of 6,883 unique anglers. We introduced new ways to view and segment the results, and we also added a separate junior competition to highlight the promising young talent in the sport.
Mon, 5th Dec '22 - Sun, 5th Mar '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Our Winter season witnessed a growth in participation with 3,515 unique anglers getting involved. We expanded the league to showcase Club, Open, and Major matches separately, providing a comprehensive performance overview.
Mon, 5th Sep '22 - Sun, 4th Dec '22
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
In the inaugural season we welcomed 1,969 anglers to compete in the Hot Fishin' Points Tournament. If you participated you can check out your performance here:
Any of these images can be used in your own blogs and social media posts. Simply click any thumbnail to download the image and then modify and use it however you wish.