is a free, all in one platform for match organiser and anglers to find, score and share results and competitions
Angler | Net Weight | Water | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Darren Milne0EQ8O | 52.532kg115lbs 13oz | Little Gearys | B | 5 | — | |
2 Steve Pearce6IOIR | 44.934kg99lbs 1oz | Siblings A & B | E | 6 | — | |
3 Martin woodZFEZH | 37.478kg82lbs 10oz | Little Gearys | B | 29 | — | |
4 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 37.195kg82lbs | Siblings A & B | E | 10 | — | |
5 Stephen BellionF8LII | 30.873kg68lbs 1oz | Molands | A | 8 | — | |
6 Ben sutorHNSO7 | 29.965kg66lbs 1oz | Siblings A & B | E | 18 | — | |
7 Keith WinnDXUR5 | 29.455kg64lbs 15oz | Gearys | C | 19 | — | |
8 Jack ShirleyX00JZ | 29.172kg64lbs 5oz | Gearys | C | 10 | — | |
9 Chris Newton5NXYE | 28.066kg61lbs 14oz | Little Gearys | B | 15 | — | |
10 Paul TrumanI1UBD | 27.839kg61lbs 6oz | Molands | D | 44 | — | |
11 Ian Crossman58FC7 | 26.252kg57lbs 14oz | Little Gearys | B | 3 | — | |
12 Dave ElliottII0GJ | 25.826kg56lbs 15oz | Little Gearys | B | 7 | — | |
13 James GeddesV4A5M | 25.118kg55lbs 6oz | Molands | D | 46 | — | |
14 John mills PackingtonEETQL | 24.069kg53lbs 1oz | Siblings A & B | E | 5 | — | |
15 john brownVCEAB | 23.105kg50lbs 15oz | Siblings A & B | E | 19 | — | |
16 Keith DeanerX98PW | 22.68kg50lbs | Little Gearys | B | 10 | — | |
17 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 22.424kg49lbs 7oz | Molands | A | 27 | — | |
18 Rob Hodgson9P2FS | 22.396kg49lbs 6oz | Little Gearys | B | 23 | — | |
19 Trevor HoughamGBENZ | 22.198kg48lbs 15oz | Little Gearys | B | 9 | — | |
20 Duncan ClarkeYHK3I | 21.517kg47lbs 7oz | Little Gearys | B | 13 | — | |
21 Ian Keywood3KYTQ | 20.44kg45lbs 1oz | Little Gearys | B | 12 | ||
22 John BurchellV7MJW | 20.298kg44lbs 12oz | Siblings A & B | E | 7 | — | |
23 Dave WestBN1IL | 18.824kg41lbs 8oz | Siblings A & B | E | 9 | — | |
24 Ron SavageBV9KV | 17.804kg39lbs 4oz | Gearys | C | 36 | — | |
25 Dave HipkissW6701 | 17.69kg39lbs | Gearys | A | 31 | — | |
26 Roy BeasleyCSOSS | 17.662kg38lbs 15oz | Gearys | C | 9 | — | |
27 Hairdresser dave smith2A6FN | 16.925kg37lbs 5oz | Molands | D | 41 | — | |
28 Phil AltimasFW8RO | 16.244kg35lbs 13oz | Gearys | C | 33 | — | |
29 Gary lakin1GYBU | 16.216kg35lbs 12oz | Siblings A & B | E | 2 | — | |
30 Jon NewtonDR4O0 | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Gearys | C | 13 | — | |
31 Lee richardsEUDQ2 | 15.054kg33lbs 3oz | Molands | D | 54 | — | |
32 Steve BrindleyDS9QN | 14.798kg32lbs 10oz | Siblings A & B | E | 17 | — | |
33 Keith VaughanX8TON | 14.77kg32lbs 9oz | Molands | A | 10 | — | |
34 Max HiggottWT8K3 | 14.713kg32lbs 7oz | Molands | A | 29 | — | |
35 Dave childA6N4H | 14.288kg31lbs 8oz | Molands | D | 52 | — | |
36 Philip CanningFK2JM | 14.175kg31lbs 4oz | Molands | A | 23 | — | |
37 Ian Hickson6IFTE | 13.92kg30lbs 11oz | Molands | A | 12 | — | |
38 John Adamson42FR9 | 13.579kg29lbs 15oz | Molands | A | 2 | — | |
39 Luke terryI13XB | 12.53kg27lbs 10oz | Siblings A & B | E | 13 | — | |
40 Tony Taylor9MFXD | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Molands | D | 43 | — | |
41 Nick jukesBGX1E | 10.886kg24lbs | Gearys | C | 12 | — | |
42 Mike wakemanFUELG | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | Molands | A | 21 | — | |
43 Mick White Packington328HT | 10.319kg22lbs 12oz | Little Gearys | B | 25 | — | |
44 Dave Neal4BIP2 | 8.845kg19lbs 8oz | Molands | D | 56 | — | |
45 wayne weatherstoneFJNR7 | 8.647kg19lbs 1oz | Molands | A | 13 | — | |
46 Lee DavisEFSSW | 8.562kg18lbs 14oz | Molands | D | 45 | — | |
47 Des JarvisZ1FL3 | 8.533kg18lbs 13oz | Gearys | C | 30 | — | |
48 Paul cassidyVDQ6I | 8.278kg18lbs 4oz | Gearys | C | 18 | — | |
49 Gaz Donaldson1VZEZ | 6.776kg14lbs 15oz | Molands | A | 25 | — | |
50 Luke NewtonK06JM | 6.464kg14lbs 4oz | Molands | A | 60 | — | |
51 Keith GreenCBDS4 | 5.868kg12lbs 15oz | Little Gearys | B | 27 | — | |
52 Paul Phillips PackingtonIX92I | 5.613kg12lbs 6oz | Gearys | C | 16 | — | |
53 Daniel tresigne69QS5 | 4.763kg10lbs 8oz | Molands | A | 19 | — | |
54 Paul terryE8O0K | 4.479kg9lbs 14oz | Molands | A | 15 | — | |
55 Burt McganK26IG | DNW | Molands | D | 58 | — | |
55 Peter Murray86O8L | DNW | Little Gearys | B | 21 | — |
Gearys | |||||
Section A | Net Weight | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Dave HipkissW6701 | 17.69kg39lbs | Gearys | 31 | — | |
Section C | Net Weight | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Keith WinnDXUR5 | 29.455kg64lbs 15oz | Gearys | 19 | — | |
2 Jack ShirleyX00JZ | 29.172kg64lbs 5oz | Gearys | 10 | — | |
3 Ron SavageBV9KV | 17.804kg39lbs 4oz | Gearys | 36 | — | |
4 Roy BeasleyCSOSS | 17.662kg38lbs 15oz | Gearys | 9 | — | |
5 Phil AltimasFW8RO | 16.244kg35lbs 13oz | Gearys | 33 | — | |
6 Jon NewtonDR4O0 | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Gearys | 13 | — | |
7 Nick jukesBGX1E | 10.886kg24lbs | Gearys | 12 | — | |
8 Des JarvisZ1FL3 | 8.533kg18lbs 13oz | Gearys | 30 | — | |
9 Paul cassidyVDQ6I | 8.278kg18lbs 4oz | Gearys | 18 | — | |
10 Paul Phillips PackingtonIX92I | 5.613kg12lbs 6oz | Gearys | 16 | — | |
Little Gearys | |||||
Section B | Net Weight | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Darren Milne0EQ8O | 52.532kg115lbs 13oz | Little Gearys | 5 | — | |
2 Martin woodZFEZH | 37.478kg82lbs 10oz | Little Gearys | 29 | — | |
3 Chris Newton5NXYE | 28.066kg61lbs 14oz | Little Gearys | 15 | — | |
4 Ian Crossman58FC7 | 26.252kg57lbs 14oz | Little Gearys | 3 | — | |
5 Dave ElliottII0GJ | 25.826kg56lbs 15oz | Little Gearys | 7 | — | |
6 Keith DeanerX98PW | 22.68kg50lbs | Little Gearys | 10 | — | |
7 Rob Hodgson9P2FS | 22.396kg49lbs 6oz | Little Gearys | 23 | — | |
8 Trevor HoughamGBENZ | 22.198kg48lbs 15oz | Little Gearys | 9 | — | |
9 Duncan ClarkeYHK3I | 21.517kg47lbs 7oz | Little Gearys | 13 | — | |
10 Ian Keywood3KYTQ | 20.44kg45lbs 1oz | Little Gearys | 12 | ||
11 Mick White Packington328HT | 10.319kg22lbs 12oz | Little Gearys | 25 | — | |
12 Keith GreenCBDS4 | 5.868kg12lbs 15oz | Little Gearys | 27 | — | |
13 Peter Murray86O8L | DNW | Little Gearys | 21 | — | |
Molands | |||||
Section A | Net Weight | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Stephen BellionF8LII | 30.873kg68lbs 1oz | Molands | 8 | — | |
2 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 22.424kg49lbs 7oz | Molands | 27 | — | |
3 Keith VaughanX8TON | 14.77kg32lbs 9oz | Molands | 10 | — | |
4 Max HiggottWT8K3 | 14.713kg32lbs 7oz | Molands | 29 | — | |
5 Philip CanningFK2JM | 14.175kg31lbs 4oz | Molands | 23 | — | |
6 Ian Hickson6IFTE | 13.92kg30lbs 11oz | Molands | 12 | — | |
7 John Adamson42FR9 | 13.579kg29lbs 15oz | Molands | 2 | — | |
8 Mike wakemanFUELG | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | Molands | 21 | — | |
9 wayne weatherstoneFJNR7 | 8.647kg19lbs 1oz | Molands | 13 | — | |
10 Gaz Donaldson1VZEZ | 6.776kg14lbs 15oz | Molands | 25 | — | |
11 Luke NewtonK06JM | 6.464kg14lbs 4oz | Molands | 60 | — | |
12 Daniel tresigne69QS5 | 4.763kg10lbs 8oz | Molands | 19 | — | |
13 Paul terryE8O0K | 4.479kg9lbs 14oz | Molands | 15 | — | |
Section D | Net Weight | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Paul TrumanI1UBD | 27.839kg61lbs 6oz | Molands | 44 | — | |
2 James GeddesV4A5M | 25.118kg55lbs 6oz | Molands | 46 | — | |
3 Hairdresser dave smith2A6FN | 16.925kg37lbs 5oz | Molands | 41 | — | |
4 Lee richardsEUDQ2 | 15.054kg33lbs 3oz | Molands | 54 | — | |
5 Dave childA6N4H | 14.288kg31lbs 8oz | Molands | 52 | — | |
6 Tony Taylor9MFXD | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Molands | 43 | — | |
7 Dave Neal4BIP2 | 8.845kg19lbs 8oz | Molands | 56 | — | |
8 Lee DavisEFSSW | 8.562kg18lbs 14oz | Molands | 45 | — | |
9 Burt McganK26IG | DNW | Molands | 58 | — | |
Siblings A & B | |||||
Section E | Net Weight | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Steve Pearce6IOIR | 44.934kg99lbs 1oz | Siblings A & B | 6 | — | |
2 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 37.195kg82lbs | Siblings A & B | 10 | — | |
3 Ben sutorHNSO7 | 29.965kg66lbs 1oz | Siblings A & B | 18 | — | |
4 John mills PackingtonEETQL | 24.069kg53lbs 1oz | Siblings A & B | 5 | — | |
5 john brownVCEAB | 23.105kg50lbs 15oz | Siblings A & B | 19 | — | |
6 John BurchellV7MJW | 20.298kg44lbs 12oz | Siblings A & B | 7 | — | |
7 Dave WestBN1IL | 18.824kg41lbs 8oz | Siblings A & B | 9 | — | |
8 Gary lakin1GYBU | 16.216kg35lbs 12oz | Siblings A & B | 2 | — | |
9 Steve BrindleyDS9QN | 14.798kg32lbs 10oz | Siblings A & B | 17 | — | |
10 Luke terryI13XB | 12.53kg27lbs 10oz | Siblings A & B | 13 | — | |
07956 008809
Packington Somers fishery
A commercial water coarse fishing match for competing individuals
5hrs duration, with draw time at 08:45
Net weights recorded in Imperial (lbs oz dr) units
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 40
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 30
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 60
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 40
07956 008809
Packington Somers fishery
Gearys | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Keith WinnDXUR5 | 29.455kg64lbs 15oz | C | 19 | — | |
2 Jack ShirleyX00JZ | 29.172kg64lbs 5oz | C | 10 | — | |
3 Ron SavageBV9KV | 17.804kg39lbs 4oz | C | 36 | — | |
4 Dave HipkissW6701 | 17.69kg39lbs | A | 31 | — | |
5 Roy BeasleyCSOSS | 17.662kg38lbs 15oz | C | 9 | — | |
6 Phil AltimasFW8RO | 16.244kg35lbs 13oz | C | 33 | — | |
7 Jon NewtonDR4O0 | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | C | 13 | — | |
8 Nick jukesBGX1E | 10.886kg24lbs | C | 12 | — | |
9 Des JarvisZ1FL3 | 8.533kg18lbs 13oz | C | 30 | — | |
10 Paul cassidyVDQ6I | 8.278kg18lbs 4oz | C | 18 | — | |
11 Paul Phillips PackingtonIX92I | 5.613kg12lbs 6oz | C | 16 | — | |
Little Gearys | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Darren Milne0EQ8O | 52.532kg115lbs 13oz | B | 5 | — | |
2 Martin woodZFEZH | 37.478kg82lbs 10oz | B | 29 | — | |
3 Chris Newton5NXYE | 28.066kg61lbs 14oz | B | 15 | — | |
4 Ian Crossman58FC7 | 26.252kg57lbs 14oz | B | 3 | — | |
5 Dave ElliottII0GJ | 25.826kg56lbs 15oz | B | 7 | — | |
6 Keith DeanerX98PW | 22.68kg50lbs | B | 10 | — | |
7 Rob Hodgson9P2FS | 22.396kg49lbs 6oz | B | 23 | — | |
8 Trevor HoughamGBENZ | 22.198kg48lbs 15oz | B | 9 | — | |
9 Duncan ClarkeYHK3I | 21.517kg47lbs 7oz | B | 13 | — | |
10 Ian Keywood3KYTQ | 20.44kg45lbs 1oz | B | 12 | ||
11 Mick White Packington328HT | 10.319kg22lbs 12oz | B | 25 | — | |
12 Keith GreenCBDS4 | 5.868kg12lbs 15oz | B | 27 | — | |
13 Peter Murray86O8L | DNW | B | 21 | — | |
Molands | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Stephen BellionF8LII | 30.873kg68lbs 1oz | A | 8 | — | |
2 Paul TrumanI1UBD | 27.839kg61lbs 6oz | D | 44 | — | |
3 James GeddesV4A5M | 25.118kg55lbs 6oz | D | 46 | — | |
4 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 22.424kg49lbs 7oz | A | 27 | — | |
5 Hairdresser dave smith2A6FN | 16.925kg37lbs 5oz | D | 41 | — | |
6 Lee richardsEUDQ2 | 15.054kg33lbs 3oz | D | 54 | — | |
7 Keith VaughanX8TON | 14.77kg32lbs 9oz | A | 10 | — | |
8 Max HiggottWT8K3 | 14.713kg32lbs 7oz | A | 29 | — | |
9 Dave childA6N4H | 14.288kg31lbs 8oz | D | 52 | — | |
10 Philip CanningFK2JM | 14.175kg31lbs 4oz | A | 23 | — | |
11 Ian Hickson6IFTE | 13.92kg30lbs 11oz | A | 12 | — | |
12 John Adamson42FR9 | 13.579kg29lbs 15oz | A | 2 | — | |
13 Tony Taylor9MFXD | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | D | 43 | — | |
14 Mike wakemanFUELG | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | A | 21 | — | |
15 Dave Neal4BIP2 | 8.845kg19lbs 8oz | D | 56 | — | |
16 wayne weatherstoneFJNR7 | 8.647kg19lbs 1oz | A | 13 | — | |
17 Lee DavisEFSSW | 8.562kg18lbs 14oz | D | 45 | — | |
18 Gaz Donaldson1VZEZ | 6.776kg14lbs 15oz | A | 25 | — | |
19 Luke NewtonK06JM | 6.464kg14lbs 4oz | A | 60 | — | |
20 Daniel tresigne69QS5 | 4.763kg10lbs 8oz | A | 19 | — | |
21 Paul terryE8O0K | 4.479kg9lbs 14oz | A | 15 | — | |
22 Burt McganK26IG | DNW | D | 58 | — | |
Siblings A & B | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Steve Pearce6IOIR | 44.934kg99lbs 1oz | E | 6 | — | |
2 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 37.195kg82lbs | E | 10 | — | |
3 Ben sutorHNSO7 | 29.965kg66lbs 1oz | E | 18 | — | |
4 John mills PackingtonEETQL | 24.069kg53lbs 1oz | E | 5 | — | |
5 john brownVCEAB | 23.105kg50lbs 15oz | E | 19 | — | |
6 John BurchellV7MJW | 20.298kg44lbs 12oz | E | 7 | — | |
7 Dave WestBN1IL | 18.824kg41lbs 8oz | E | 9 | — | |
8 Gary lakin1GYBU | 16.216kg35lbs 12oz | E | 2 | — | |
9 Steve BrindleyDS9QN | 14.798kg32lbs 10oz | E | 17 | — | |
10 Luke terryI13XB | 12.53kg27lbs 10oz | E | 13 | — | |
Gearys | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
5 Roy BeasleyCSOSS | 17.662kg38lbs 15oz | C | 9 | — | |
2 Jack ShirleyX00JZ | 29.172kg64lbs 5oz | C | 10 | — | |
8 Nick jukesBGX1E | 10.886kg24lbs | C | 12 | — | |
7 Jon NewtonDR4O0 | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | C | 13 | — | |
11 Paul Phillips PackingtonIX92I | 5.613kg12lbs 6oz | C | 16 | — | |
10 Paul cassidyVDQ6I | 8.278kg18lbs 4oz | C | 18 | — | |
1 Keith WinnDXUR5 | 29.455kg64lbs 15oz | C | 19 | — | |
9 Des JarvisZ1FL3 | 8.533kg18lbs 13oz | C | 30 | — | |
4 Dave HipkissW6701 | 17.69kg39lbs | A | 31 | — | |
6 Phil AltimasFW8RO | 16.244kg35lbs 13oz | C | 33 | — | |
3 Ron SavageBV9KV | 17.804kg39lbs 4oz | C | 36 | — | |
Little Gearys | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
4 Ian Crossman58FC7 | 26.252kg57lbs 14oz | B | 3 | — | |
1 Darren Milne0EQ8O | 52.532kg115lbs 13oz | B | 5 | — | |
5 Dave ElliottII0GJ | 25.826kg56lbs 15oz | B | 7 | — | |
8 Trevor HoughamGBENZ | 22.198kg48lbs 15oz | B | 9 | — | |
6 Keith DeanerX98PW | 22.68kg50lbs | B | 10 | — | |
10 Ian Keywood3KYTQ | 20.44kg45lbs 1oz | B | 12 | ||
9 Duncan ClarkeYHK3I | 21.517kg47lbs 7oz | B | 13 | — | |
3 Chris Newton5NXYE | 28.066kg61lbs 14oz | B | 15 | — | |
13 Peter Murray86O8L | DNW | B | 21 | — | |
7 Rob Hodgson9P2FS | 22.396kg49lbs 6oz | B | 23 | — | |
11 Mick White Packington328HT | 10.319kg22lbs 12oz | B | 25 | — | |
12 Keith GreenCBDS4 | 5.868kg12lbs 15oz | B | 27 | — | |
2 Martin woodZFEZH | 37.478kg82lbs 10oz | B | 29 | — | |
Molands | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
12 John Adamson42FR9 | 13.579kg29lbs 15oz | A | 2 | — | |
1 Stephen BellionF8LII | 30.873kg68lbs 1oz | A | 8 | — | |
7 Keith VaughanX8TON | 14.77kg32lbs 9oz | A | 10 | — | |
11 Ian Hickson6IFTE | 13.92kg30lbs 11oz | A | 12 | — | |
16 wayne weatherstoneFJNR7 | 8.647kg19lbs 1oz | A | 13 | — | |
21 Paul terryE8O0K | 4.479kg9lbs 14oz | A | 15 | — | |
20 Daniel tresigne69QS5 | 4.763kg10lbs 8oz | A | 19 | — | |
14 Mike wakemanFUELG | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | A | 21 | — | |
10 Philip CanningFK2JM | 14.175kg31lbs 4oz | A | 23 | — | |
18 Gaz Donaldson1VZEZ | 6.776kg14lbs 15oz | A | 25 | — | |
4 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 22.424kg49lbs 7oz | A | 27 | — | |
8 Max HiggottWT8K3 | 14.713kg32lbs 7oz | A | 29 | — | |
5 Hairdresser dave smith2A6FN | 16.925kg37lbs 5oz | D | 41 | — | |
13 Tony Taylor9MFXD | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | D | 43 | — | |
2 Paul TrumanI1UBD | 27.839kg61lbs 6oz | D | 44 | — | |
17 Lee DavisEFSSW | 8.562kg18lbs 14oz | D | 45 | — | |
3 James GeddesV4A5M | 25.118kg55lbs 6oz | D | 46 | — | |
9 Dave childA6N4H | 14.288kg31lbs 8oz | D | 52 | — | |
6 Lee richardsEUDQ2 | 15.054kg33lbs 3oz | D | 54 | — | |
15 Dave Neal4BIP2 | 8.845kg19lbs 8oz | D | 56 | — | |
22 Burt McganK26IG | DNW | D | 58 | — | |
19 Luke NewtonK06JM | 6.464kg14lbs 4oz | A | 60 | — | |
Siblings A & B | Net Weight | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
8 Gary lakin1GYBU | 16.216kg35lbs 12oz | E | 2 | — | |
4 John mills PackingtonEETQL | 24.069kg53lbs 1oz | E | 5 | — | |
1 Steve Pearce6IOIR | 44.934kg99lbs 1oz | E | 6 | — | |
6 John BurchellV7MJW | 20.298kg44lbs 12oz | E | 7 | — | |
7 Dave WestBN1IL | 18.824kg41lbs 8oz | E | 9 | — | |
2 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 37.195kg82lbs | E | 10 | — | |
10 Luke terryI13XB | 12.53kg27lbs 10oz | E | 13 | — | |
9 Steve BrindleyDS9QN | 14.798kg32lbs 10oz | E | 17 | — | |
3 Ben sutorHNSO7 | 29.965kg66lbs 1oz | E | 18 | — | |
5 john brownVCEAB | 23.105kg50lbs 15oz | E | 19 | — | |
Hot Fishin' Points is a competition where the results of any match you fish receives points depending on where you rank. Prizes are won for the most points accumulated, from your best 10 matches, over the 13-week season.
Mon, 3rd Jun '24 - Sun, 1st Sep '24
Entry closed on Sun, 23rd Jun '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Mar '24 - Sun, 2nd Jun '24
Entry closed on Sun, 24th Mar '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Dec '23 - Sun, 3rd Mar '24
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Sep '23 - Sun, 3rd Dec '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. We have paused ticket sales this season while we make some major backend enhancements to cope with the scale of anglers involved and make way for a mega Winter Season. With fewer Majors in Autumn all matches will fit into either the Open Matches or the Club Matches category. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 5th Jun '23 - Sun, 3rd Sep '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Summer season we had an amazing engagement from 7,468 unique anglers involved. We gave away over £10,000 in prizes and hosted a dedicated YouTube show, The Weigh-In , that followed the results of the anglers and matches in the tournament.
Mon, 6th Mar '23 - Sun, 4th Jun '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Spring season we had an impressive engagement of 6,883 unique anglers. We introduced new ways to view and segment the results, and we also added a separate junior competition to highlight the promising young talent in the sport.
Mon, 5th Dec '22 - Sun, 5th Mar '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Our Winter season witnessed a growth in participation with 3,515 unique anglers getting involved. We expanded the league to showcase Club, Open, and Major matches separately, providing a comprehensive performance overview.
Mon, 5th Sep '22 - Sun, 4th Dec '22
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
In the inaugural season we welcomed 1,969 anglers to compete in the Hot Fishin' Points Tournament. If you participated you can check out your performance here:
Any of these images can be used in your own blogs and social media posts. Simply click any thumbnail to download the image and then modify and use it however you wish.