is a free, all in one platform for match organiser and anglers to find, score and share results and competitions
Shrewley Common, Shrewley, Warwick, CV35 7AN
Not speciifed
Not speciifed
Team | Total Weight | Angler | Weight | Water | Section | Peg | Attendance |
1 Hamilton and Keenan | 133.016kg293lbs 4oz | Matty Hamilton58QAJ | 81.958kg180lbs 11oz | Canal Pool | B | 23 | Full Day |
Danny KeenanCQ8KE | 51.057kg112lbs 9oz | Canal Pool | A | 7 | Full Day | ||
2 Parker and Ramsdale | 98.259kg216lbs 10oz | Rob Parker4YES6 | 58.202kg128lbs 5oz | Top Pool | S | 15 | Full Day |
Graham RamsdaleHV7B8 | 40.058kg88lbs 5oz | House Pool | K | 10 | Full Day | ||
3 Dawes and Peplow | 88.677kg195lbs 8oz | Matty Dawes5EQ14 | 64.24kg141lbs 10oz | Top Pool | T | 24 | Full Day |
Stephen PeplowT6ETW | 24.437kg53lbs 14oz | High Pool | I | 30 | Full Day | ||
4 Anderson and Jones | 87.572kg193lbs 1oz | Kristian JonesKL2FF | 60.158kg132lbs 10oz | Top Pool | S | 5 | Full Day |
Graham AndersonUUFW2 | 27.414kg60lbs 7oz | Club Pool | D | 21 | Full Day | ||
5 Evans and Marshall | 83.489kg184lbs 1oz | Les MarshallDCX87 | 63.418kg139lbs 13oz | Jennys Pool | N | 2 | Full Day |
Stuart Evans267C9 | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Canal Pool | A | 1 | Full Day | ||
6 Gathercole and Swan | 78.585kg173lbs 4oz | Rob SwanC89BQ | 61.575kg135lbs 12oz | House Pool | K | 5 | Full Day |
Ady Gathercole4KFHG | 17.01kg37lbs 8oz | Canal Pool | B | 15 | Full Day | ||
7 Marsden and Scotthorne | 76.629kg168lbs 15oz | Alan Scotthorne6MYGP | 43.602kg96lbs 2oz | Canal Pool | A | 3 | Full Day |
Kieran MarsdenU62N5 | 33.027kg72lbs 13oz | Extension Pool | F | 27 | Full Day | ||
8 Brady and Christie | 74.673kg164lbs 10oz | Andy ChristieDEAAN | 45.416kg100lbs 2oz | Extension Pool | F | 37 | Full Day |
John BradyCP6JV | 29.257kg64lbs 8oz | Club Pool | C | 3 | Full Day | ||
9 Cooper and Jelfs | 74.304kg163lbs 13oz | Ross JelfsW87EW | 51.993kg114lbs 10oz | Club Pool | D | 23 | Full Day |
Peter CooperHBIWF | 22.311kg49lbs 3oz | Canal Pool | B | 13 | Full Day | ||
9 Howarth and Wills | 74.304kg163lbs 13oz | Gary Wills1G9L0 | 49.782kg109lbs 12oz | Canal Pool | A | 11 | Full Day |
James HowarthLZYR6 | 24.522kg54lbs 1oz | New Pool | Q | 25 | Full Day | ||
11 Barlow and Kearsley | 74.276kg163lbs 12oz | Michael Barlow6LR2G | 54.8kg120lbs 13oz | Club Pool | D | 17 | Full Day |
Andy KearsleyYBKKY | 19.476kg42lbs 15oz | House Pool | K | 2 | Full Day | ||
12 Jowett and Sears | 73.454kg161lbs 15oz | John Jowett5CHED | 40.2kg88lbs 10oz | Jennys Pool | O | 24 | Full Day |
Stuart SearsEIHU7 | 33.254kg73lbs 5oz | House Pool | K | 3 | Full Day | ||
13 Holloway and Potter | 72.858kg160lbs 10oz | Jordan Holloway6QAJW | 44.197kg97lbs 7oz | High Pool | I | 32 | Full Day |
May Potter241IF | 28.661kg63lbs 3oz | House Pool | M | 30 | Full Day | ||
14 Falzon and Rudd | 72.66kg160lbs 3oz | Alan FalzonEJWZS | 51.341kg113lbs 3oz | High Pool | J | 42 | Full Day |
Neil Rudd9UNJM | 21.319kg47lbs | High Pool | G | 2 | Full Day | ||
15 Edlin and Mann | 71.554kg157lbs 12oz | Andrew MannHC8A6 | 44.65kg98lbs 7oz | Canal Pool | A | 5 | Full Day |
Robert EdlinJX7JE | 26.904kg59lbs 5oz | Top Pool | T | 31 | Full Day | ||
16 Bourne and Dockerty | 69.371kg152lbs 15oz | Alex Dockerty62WT4 | 48.024kg105lbs 14oz | Jennys Pool | N | 8 | Full Day |
Simon BourneANP6J | 21.347kg47lbs 1oz | Jennys Pool | N | 11 | Full Day | ||
17 Benwell and Taylor | 68.096kg150lbs 2oz | Andy BenwellIY639 | 43.488kg95lbs 14oz | Top Pool | T | 20 | Full Day |
Sarah TaylorIZSQ7 | 24.607kg54lbs 4oz | High Pool | G | 12 | Full Day | ||
18 Ben May and Kerridge | 67.188kg148lbs 2oz | Richard KerridgeGQJFG | 54.686kg120lbs 9oz | Club Pool | D | 19 | Full Day |
Ben May8JMU3 | 12.502kg27lbs 9oz | High Pool | H | 15 | Full Day | ||
19 Luck and Paynter | 65.799kg145lbs 1oz | Secret Angler | 46.748kg103lbs 1oz | Club Pool | C | 1 | Full Day |
Martin PaynterDRTB6 | 19.051kg42lbs | Top Pool | S | 3 | Full Day | ||
20 Hughes and Williams | 63.304kg139lbs 9oz | Jack Williams95GS7 | 39.264kg86lbs 9oz | Club Pool | C | 9 | Full Day |
Jamie HughesILO6N | 24.04kg53lbs | New Pool | R | 38 | Full Day | ||
21 Danby and Gnosill | 62.993kg138lbs 14oz | Jack Danby1L0YI | 41.759kg92lbs 1oz | Top Pool | S | 11 | Full Day |
Richard GnosillU2ZEQ | 21.234kg46lbs 13oz | House Pool | K | 6 | Full Day | ||
22 Grimsey and Pearson | 62.964kg138lbs 13oz | Danny GrimseyY39BI | 36.401kg80lbs 4oz | High Pool | H | 21 | Full Day |
Eddie PearsonGMPAR | 26.564kg58lbs 9oz | House Pool | L | 18 | Full Day | ||
23 Corcoran and Rice | 61.433kg135lbs 7oz | Pete Rice7C682 | 36.372kg80lbs 3oz | High Pool | G | 14 | Full Day |
David Corcoran31VAO | 25.061kg55lbs 4oz | Top Pool | S | 1 | Full Day | ||
24 Arthur and Zimmerman | 60.101kg132lbs 8oz | Jon ArthurB45DV | 42.864kg94lbs 8oz | Extension Pool | F | 29 | Full Day |
Barry Zimmerman0EW04 | 17.237kg38lbs | Extension Pool | E | 21 | Full Day | ||
25 Davies and McGhee | 59.704kg131lbs 10oz | Scott McGheeCR76F | 32.46kg71lbs 9oz | High Pool | J | 48 | Full Day |
Darren Davies219Q7 | 27.244kg60lbs 1oz | Club Pool | C | 5 | Full Day | ||
26 Weddell and Yates | 58.57kg129lbs 2oz | Paul Yates4GWW6 | 34.728kg76lbs 9oz | House Pool | L | 20 | Full Day |
Chris Weddell8BTPL | 23.842kg52lbs 9oz | Extension Pool | F | 25 | Full Day | ||
27 Dougherty and Giles | 58.117kg128lbs 2oz | Lee Giles7GYFE | 31.071kg68lbs 8oz | Extension Pool | E | 13 | Full Day |
Dan Dougherty59CLN | 27.045kg59lbs 10oz | Club Pool | C | 11 | Full Day | ||
28 Bond and Reading | 56.983kg125lbs 10oz | Craig ReadingK1D6I | 37.28kg82lbs 3oz | House Pool | M | 29 | Full Day |
Scott Bond0KQ7J | 19.703kg43lbs 7oz | New Pool | Q | 17 | Full Day | ||
29 Brookes and Mckay | 55.423kg122lbs 3oz | Jimmy BrookesEJRAD | 51.795kg114lbs 3oz | New Pool | R | 44 | Full Day |
Sandy Mckay2HNXD | 3.629kg8lbs | High Pool | J | 50 | Full Day | ||
30 Hawkins and Meadows | 54.998kg121lbs 4oz | Craig MeadowsLY3X9 | 40.426kg89lbs 2oz | Canal Pool | B | 17 | Full Day |
Dave Hawkins5ICIV | 14.572kg32lbs 2oz | New Pool | Q | 29 | Full Day | ||
31 Barlow and Watson | 53.977kg119lbs | Connor BarlowX5HU4 | 30.504kg67lbs 4oz | Extension Pool | F | 23 | Full Day |
Ryan WatsonV877K | 23.473kg51lbs 12oz | Jennys Pool | O | 21 | Full Day | ||
32 Ogilvie and Summerscales | 53.439kg117lbs 13oz | Ben SummerscalesHAQLL | 32.602kg71lbs 14oz | High Pool | I | 40 | Full Day |
Ronnie OgilvieIDTAP | 20.837kg45lbs 15oz | High Pool | J | 43 | Full Day | ||
33 Goodall and Odam | 52.702kg116lbs 3oz | Matt GoodallJCBG1 | 39.207kg86lbs 7oz | House Pool | L | 12 | Full Day |
scott odamIXZDT | 13.494kg29lbs 12oz | Top Pool | S | 8 | Full Day | ||
34 Lindsay and Young | 51.256kg113lbs | Barry LindsayEXXBL | 28.009kg61lbs 12oz | High Pool | H | 17 | Full Day |
Charlie YoungHXGYF | 23.247kg51lbs 4oz | Jennys Pool | O | 17 | Full Day | ||
35 Dean and Power | 50.065kg110lbs 6oz | Secret Angler | 32.942kg72lbs 10oz | New Pool | R | 31 | Full Day |
Nick DeanGJWAO | 17.123kg37lbs 12oz | Top Pool | T | 29 | Full Day | ||
36 Payne and Taylor-Jones | 49.64kg109lbs 7oz | Jamie PayneWTMLS | 40.625kg89lbs 9oz | House Pool | L | 16 | Full Day |
Secret Angler | 9.015kg19lbs 14oz | Top Pool | T | 21 | Full Day | ||
37 Brindle and Wilson | 49.583kg109lbs 5oz | Richard WilsonKY2G0 | 27.442kg60lbs 8oz | High Pool | G | 8 | Full Day |
Gus BrindleF9I1J | 22.141kg48lbs 13oz | High Pool | H | 19 | Full Day | ||
38 Cambridge and Davis | 49.498kg109lbs 2oz | James Davis5KR75 | 28.86kg63lbs 10oz | Extension Pool | E | 19 | Full Day |
David CambridgeGXCUW | 20.638kg45lbs 8oz | House Pool | L | 22 | Full Day | ||
39 Bennett and Haymes | 47.06kg103lbs 12oz | Andy BennettK0FRA | 31.525kg69lbs 8oz | High Pool | H | 23 | Full Day |
Dean HaymesHPQ26 | 15.536kg34lbs 4oz | Jennys Pool | N | 13 | Full Day | ||
40 Bateman and Chris Oag | 46.805kg103lbs 3oz | Chris OagV2ARO | 30.703kg67lbs 11oz | Top Pool | S | 13 | Full Day |
Nigel BatemanBM22N | 16.103kg35lbs 8oz | Club Pool | C | 7 | Full Day | ||
41 Hodge and Scotthorne | 46.38kg102lbs 4oz | Andy HodgeES88T | 26.138kg57lbs 10oz | New Pool | R | 33 | Full Day |
Secret Angler | 20.242kg44lbs 10oz | High Pool | I | 38 | Full Day | ||
42 Dales and Waters | 45.699kg100lbs 12oz | Kevin Dales4NWQP | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Jennys Pool | N | 4 | Full Day |
Kierran Waters09R4E | 21.602kg47lbs 10oz | New Pool | P | 7 | Full Day | ||
43 Openshaw and Scott | 45.161kg99lbs 9oz | Steve Openshaw7HQ3F | 25.401kg56lbs | New Pool | P | 15 | Full Day |
Dave ScottFCJGS | 19.76kg43lbs 9oz | New Pool | Q | 27 | Full Day | ||
44 Foster and Holland | 44.594kg98lbs 5oz | Paul HollandTAS0Z | 32.262kg71lbs 2oz | Jennys Pool | N | 6 | Full Day |
Jamie FosterX77N3 | 12.332kg27lbs 3oz | New Pool | R | 42 | Full Day | ||
45 Davies and Woodrow | 44.395kg97lbs 14oz | Kathryn DaviesY426H | 22.68kg50lbs | Extension Pool | E | 7 | Full Day |
James WoodrowDUPWX | 21.716kg47lbs 14oz | New Pool | P | 10 | Full Day | ||
46 Waters and Williams | 43.46kg95lbs 13oz | Mikey WilliamsD9NN3 | 27.329kg60lbs 4oz | New Pool | P | 4 | Full Day |
Martin WatersGLVAH | 16.131kg35lbs 9oz | House Pool | M | 24 | Full Day | ||
47 Fletcher and Jennings | 41.05kg90lbs 8oz | Shane Jennings3GVEJ | 33.764kg74lbs 7oz | Canal Pool | B | 21 | Full Day |
James FletcherIUDSV | 7.286kg16lbs 1oz | House Pool | L | 14 | Full Day | ||
48 Arblaster and Meek | 40.625kg89lbs 9oz | Jack ArblasterITNXA | 25.203kg55lbs 9oz | High Pool | I | 27 | Full Day |
Phil MeekEAQJY | 15.422kg34lbs | Club Pool | D | 13 | Full Day | ||
49 Rutherford and Wilson | 39.463kg87lbs | Dave Wilson0LUQN | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | House Pool | M | 27 | Full Day |
Allen RutherfordYBFJU | 19.391kg42lbs 12oz | New Pool | Q | 21 | Full Day | ||
50 Lillyman and Lyons | 39.434kg86lbs 15oz | Mark Lyons7BETB | 26.422kg58lbs 4oz | Top Pool | T | 33 | Full Day |
Eric Lillyman4JYBR | 13.012kg28lbs 11oz | Jennys Pool | O | 26 | Full Day | ||
51 Brandrick and Roberts | 39.207kg86lbs 7oz | Paul BrandrickJUSTN | 23.388kg51lbs 9oz | High Pool | I | 34 | Full Day |
Matthew RobertsEA6IR | 15.819kg34lbs 14oz | Club Pool | D | 15 | Full Day | ||
52 Palmer and Smith | 38.782kg85lbs 8oz | Dave PalmerFGW0G | 20.355kg44lbs 14oz | Jennys Pool | O | 19 | Full Day |
Alan SmithZWAQB | 18.427kg40lbs 10oz | High Pool | H | 25 | Full Day | ||
53 Blyth and Kings | 36.656kg80lbs 13oz | Dylan BlythGT5AN | 20.95kg46lbs 3oz | Jennys Pool | O | 15 | Full Day |
Richard KingsCRP2V | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Extension Pool | E | 2 | Full Day | ||
54 Handley and Impey | 33.793kg74lbs 8oz | Ben HandleyZFYX9 | 18.682kg41lbs 3oz | New Pool | Q | 23 | Full Day |
Jack ImpeyVV8KO | 15.11kg33lbs 5oz | Top Pool | T | 26 | Full Day | ||
55 Harvey and Major | 32.46kg71lbs 9oz | Carl Harvey097NS | 25.911kg57lbs 2oz | Extension Pool | E | 5 | Full Day |
Richard MajorZ8A8T | 6.549kg14lbs 7oz | House Pool | M | 32 | Full Day | ||
56 Gallagher and Terry | 31.553kg69lbs 9oz | Danny Terry95PXD | 31.553kg69lbs 9oz | House Pool | M | 33 | Full Day |
Secret Angler | DNW | Canal Pool | B | 19 | Full Day | ||
57 Brady and Moore | 27.386kg60lbs 6oz | Phil Moore4IHO1 | 19.051kg42lbs | New Pool | P | 13 | Full Day |
Derek Brady1MWX8 | 8.335kg18lbs 6oz | New Pool | Q | 19 | Full Day | ||
58 Benson and Douglas | 25.118kg55lbs 6oz | Jeremy BensonELEGZ | 14.543kg32lbs 1oz | High Pool | J | 46 | Full Day |
Andrew DouglasA94HT | 10.574kg23lbs 5oz | Extension Pool | E | 9 | Full Day | ||
59 Boardman and Mcguire | 24.352kg53lbs 11oz | Richard BoardmanLGIYR | 20.015kg44lbs 2oz | High Pool | J | 45 | Full Day |
Tony Mcguire0Y982 | 4.337kg9lbs 9oz | Extension Pool | F | 39 | Full Day | ||
60 Pace and Seabright | 17.917kg39lbs 8oz | Leon Seabright4NKLK | 17.917kg39lbs 8oz | Extension Pool | F | 35 | Full Day |
Josh PaceERXHB | DNW | High Pool | G | 4 | Full Day | ||
61 Marshall and Wilton | 14.487kg31lbs 15oz | Darren WiltonC8POS | 14.487kg31lbs 15oz | House Pool | K | 8 | Full Day |
Darren MarshallCT1JV | DNW | New Pool | R | 40 | Full Day | ||
62 Hannam and Slockett | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | John HannamDYILY | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | New Pool | P | 1 | Full Day |
Sam Slockett4BVFO | DNW | High Pool | G | 6 | Full Day |
Angler | Net Weight | Team | Water | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Matty Hamilton58QAJ | 81.958kg180lbs 11oz | Hamilton and Keenan | Canal Pool | B | 23 | — | |
2 Matty Dawes5EQ14 | 64.24kg141lbs 10oz | Dawes and Peplow | Top Pool | T | 24 | — | |
3 Les MarshallDCX87 | 63.418kg139lbs 13oz | Evans and Marshall | Jennys Pool | N | 2 | — | |
4 Rob SwanC89BQ | 61.575kg135lbs 12oz | Gathercole and Swan | House Pool | K | 5 | — | |
5 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 60.158kg132lbs 10oz | Anderson and Jones | Top Pool | S | 5 | — | |
6 Rob Parker4YES6 | 58.202kg128lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | Top Pool | S | 15 | — | |
7 Michael Barlow6LR2G | 54.8kg120lbs 13oz | Barlow and Kearsley | Club Pool | D | 17 | — | |
8 Richard KerridgeGQJFG | 54.686kg120lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | Club Pool | D | 19 | ||
9 Ross JelfsW87EW | 51.993kg114lbs 10oz | Cooper and Jelfs | Club Pool | D | 23 | — | |
10 Jimmy BrookesEJRAD | 51.795kg114lbs 3oz | Brookes and Mckay | New Pool | R | 44 | — | |
11 Alan FalzonEJWZS | 51.341kg113lbs 3oz | Falzon and Rudd | High Pool | J | 42 | — | |
12 Danny KeenanCQ8KE | 51.057kg112lbs 9oz | Hamilton and Keenan | Canal Pool | A | 7 | — | |
13 Gary Wills1G9L0 | 49.782kg109lbs 12oz | Howarth and Wills | Canal Pool | A | 11 | — | |
14 Alex Dockerty62WT4 | 48.024kg105lbs 14oz | Bourne and Dockerty | Jennys Pool | N | 8 | — | |
15 Secret Angler | 46.748kg103lbs 1oz | Secret Angler | Club Pool | C | 1 | — | |
16 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 45.416kg100lbs 2oz | Brady and Christie | Extension Pool | F | 37 | — | |
17 Andrew MannHC8A6 | 44.65kg98lbs 7oz | Edlin and Mann | Canal Pool | A | 5 | — | |
18 Jordan Holloway6QAJW | 44.197kg97lbs 7oz | Holloway and Potter | High Pool | I | 32 | — | |
19 Alan Scotthorne6MYGP | 43.602kg96lbs 2oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | Canal Pool | A | 3 | — | |
20 Andy BenwellIY639 | 43.488kg95lbs 14oz | Benwell and Taylor | Top Pool | T | 20 | — | |
21 Jon ArthurB45DV | 42.864kg94lbs 8oz | Arthur and Zimmerman | Extension Pool | F | 29 | — | |
22 Jack Danby1L0YI | 41.759kg92lbs 1oz | Danby and Gnosill | Top Pool | S | 11 | — | |
23 Jamie PayneWTMLS | 40.625kg89lbs 9oz | Payne and Taylor-Jones | House Pool | L | 16 | — | |
24 Craig MeadowsLY3X9 | 40.426kg89lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | Canal Pool | B | 17 | — | |
25 John Jowett5CHED | 40.2kg88lbs 10oz | Jowett and Sears | Jennys Pool | O | 24 | — | |
26 Graham RamsdaleHV7B8 | 40.058kg88lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | House Pool | K | 10 | — | |
27 Jack Williams95GS7 | 39.264kg86lbs 9oz | Hughes and Williams | Club Pool | C | 9 | — | |
28 Matt GoodallJCBG1 | 39.207kg86lbs 7oz | Goodall and Odam | House Pool | L | 12 | — | |
29 Craig ReadingK1D6I | 37.28kg82lbs 3oz | Bond and Reading | House Pool | M | 29 | — | |
30 Danny GrimseyY39BI | 36.401kg80lbs 4oz | Grimsey and Pearson | High Pool | H | 21 | — | |
31 Pete Rice7C682 | 36.372kg80lbs 3oz | Corcoran and Rice | High Pool | G | 14 | — | |
32 Paul Yates4GWW6 | 34.728kg76lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | House Pool | L | 20 | — | |
33 Shane Jennings3GVEJ | 33.764kg74lbs 7oz | Fletcher and Jennings | Canal Pool | B | 21 | — | |
34 Stuart SearsEIHU7 | 33.254kg73lbs 5oz | Jowett and Sears | House Pool | K | 3 | — | |
35 Kieran MarsdenU62N5 | 33.027kg72lbs 13oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | Extension Pool | F | 27 | — | |
36 Secret Angler | 32.942kg72lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | New Pool | R | 31 | — | |
37 Ben SummerscalesHAQLL | 32.602kg71lbs 14oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | High Pool | I | 40 | — | |
38 Scott McGheeCR76F | 32.46kg71lbs 9oz | Davies and McGhee | High Pool | J | 48 | — | |
39 Paul HollandTAS0Z | 32.262kg71lbs 2oz | Foster and Holland | Jennys Pool | N | 6 | — | |
40 Danny Terry95PXD | 31.553kg69lbs 9oz | Gallagher and Terry | House Pool | M | 33 | — | |
41 Andy BennettK0FRA | 31.525kg69lbs 8oz | Bennett and Haymes | High Pool | H | 23 | — | |
42 Lee Giles7GYFE | 31.071kg68lbs 8oz | Dougherty and Giles | Extension Pool | E | 13 | — | |
43 Chris OagV2ARO | 30.703kg67lbs 11oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | Top Pool | S | 13 | — | |
44 Connor BarlowX5HU4 | 30.504kg67lbs 4oz | Barlow and Watson | Extension Pool | F | 23 | — | |
45 John BradyCP6JV | 29.257kg64lbs 8oz | Brady and Christie | Club Pool | C | 3 | — | |
46 James Davis5KR75 | 28.86kg63lbs 10oz | Cambridge and Davis | Extension Pool | E | 19 | ||
47 May Potter241IF | 28.661kg63lbs 3oz | Holloway and Potter | House Pool | M | 30 | — | |
48 Barry LindsayEXXBL | 28.009kg61lbs 12oz | Lindsay and Young | High Pool | H | 17 | — | |
49 Richard WilsonKY2G0 | 27.442kg60lbs 8oz | Brindle and Wilson | High Pool | G | 8 | — | |
50 Graham AndersonUUFW2 | 27.414kg60lbs 7oz | Anderson and Jones | Club Pool | D | 21 | — | |
51 Mikey WilliamsD9NN3 | 27.329kg60lbs 4oz | Waters and Williams | New Pool | P | 4 | — | |
52 Darren Davies219Q7 | 27.244kg60lbs 1oz | Davies and McGhee | Club Pool | C | 5 | — | |
53 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 27.045kg59lbs 10oz | Dougherty and Giles | Club Pool | C | 11 | — | |
54 Robert EdlinJX7JE | 26.904kg59lbs 5oz | Edlin and Mann | Top Pool | T | 31 | — | |
55 Eddie PearsonGMPAR | 26.564kg58lbs 9oz | Grimsey and Pearson | House Pool | L | 18 | — | |
56 Mark Lyons7BETB | 26.422kg58lbs 4oz | Lillyman and Lyons | Top Pool | T | 33 | — | |
57 Andy HodgeES88T | 26.138kg57lbs 10oz | Hodge and Scotthorne | New Pool | R | 33 | — | |
58 Carl Harvey097NS | 25.911kg57lbs 2oz | Harvey and Major | Extension Pool | E | 5 | — | |
59 Steve Openshaw7HQ3F | 25.401kg56lbs | Openshaw and Scott | New Pool | P | 15 | — | |
60 Jack ArblasterITNXA | 25.203kg55lbs 9oz | Arblaster and Meek | High Pool | I | 27 | — | |
61 David Corcoran31VAO | 25.061kg55lbs 4oz | Corcoran and Rice | Top Pool | S | 1 | — | |
62 Sarah TaylorIZSQ7 | 24.607kg54lbs 4oz | Benwell and Taylor | High Pool | G | 12 | — | |
63 James HowarthLZYR6 | 24.522kg54lbs 1oz | Howarth and Wills | New Pool | Q | 25 | ||
64 Stephen PeplowT6ETW | 24.437kg53lbs 14oz | Dawes and Peplow | High Pool | I | 30 | — | |
65 Kevin Dales4NWQP | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Dales and Waters | Jennys Pool | N | 4 | — | |
66 Jamie HughesILO6N | 24.04kg53lbs | Hughes and Williams | New Pool | R | 38 | ||
67 Chris Weddell8BTPL | 23.842kg52lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | Extension Pool | F | 25 | — | |
68 Ryan WatsonV877K | 23.473kg51lbs 12oz | Barlow and Watson | Jennys Pool | O | 21 | — | |
69 Paul BrandrickJUSTN | 23.388kg51lbs 9oz | Brandrick and Roberts | High Pool | I | 34 | — | |
70 Charlie YoungHXGYF | 23.247kg51lbs 4oz | Lindsay and Young | Jennys Pool | O | 17 | — | |
71 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 22.68kg50lbs | Davies and Woodrow | Extension Pool | E | 7 | — | |
72 Peter CooperHBIWF | 22.311kg49lbs 3oz | Cooper and Jelfs | Canal Pool | B | 13 | — | |
73 Gus BrindleF9I1J | 22.141kg48lbs 13oz | Brindle and Wilson | High Pool | H | 19 | — | |
74 James WoodrowDUPWX | 21.716kg47lbs 14oz | Davies and Woodrow | New Pool | P | 10 | — | |
75 Kierran Waters09R4E | 21.602kg47lbs 10oz | Dales and Waters | New Pool | P | 7 | — | |
76 Simon BourneANP6J | 21.347kg47lbs 1oz | Bourne and Dockerty | Jennys Pool | N | 11 | — | |
77 Neil Rudd9UNJM | 21.319kg47lbs | Falzon and Rudd | High Pool | G | 2 | — | |
78 Richard GnosillU2ZEQ | 21.234kg46lbs 13oz | Danby and Gnosill | House Pool | K | 6 | — | |
79 Dylan BlythGT5AN | 20.95kg46lbs 3oz | Blyth and Kings | Jennys Pool | O | 15 | — | |
80 Ronnie OgilvieIDTAP | 20.837kg45lbs 15oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | High Pool | J | 43 | — | |
81 David CambridgeGXCUW | 20.638kg45lbs 8oz | Cambridge and Davis | House Pool | L | 22 | — | |
82 Dave PalmerFGW0G | 20.355kg44lbs 14oz | Palmer and Smith | Jennys Pool | O | 19 | — | |
83 Secret Angler | 20.242kg44lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | High Pool | I | 38 | — | |
84 Dave Wilson0LUQN | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Rutherford and Wilson | House Pool | M | 27 | — | |
84 Stuart Evans267C9 | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Evans and Marshall | Canal Pool | A | 1 | — | |
86 Richard BoardmanLGIYR | 20.015kg44lbs 2oz | Boardman and Mcguire | High Pool | J | 45 | — | |
87 Dave ScottFCJGS | 19.76kg43lbs 9oz | Openshaw and Scott | New Pool | Q | 27 | — | |
88 Scott Bond0KQ7J | 19.703kg43lbs 7oz | Bond and Reading | New Pool | Q | 17 | — | |
89 Andy KearsleyYBKKY | 19.476kg42lbs 15oz | Barlow and Kearsley | House Pool | K | 2 | — | |
90 Allen RutherfordYBFJU | 19.391kg42lbs 12oz | Rutherford and Wilson | New Pool | Q | 21 | — | |
91 Martin PaynterDRTB6 | 19.051kg42lbs | Luck and Paynter | Top Pool | S | 3 | — | |
91 Phil Moore4IHO1 | 19.051kg42lbs | Brady and Moore | New Pool | P | 13 | — | |
93 Ben HandleyZFYX9 | 18.682kg41lbs 3oz | Handley and Impey | New Pool | Q | 23 | — | |
94 Alan SmithZWAQB | 18.427kg40lbs 10oz | Palmer and Smith | High Pool | H | 25 | — | |
95 Leon Seabright4NKLK | 17.917kg39lbs 8oz | Pace and Seabright | Extension Pool | F | 35 | — | |
96 Barry Zimmerman0EW04 | 17.237kg38lbs | Arthur and Zimmerman | Extension Pool | E | 21 | — | |
97 Nick DeanGJWAO | 17.123kg37lbs 12oz | Dean and Power | Top Pool | T | 29 | — | |
98 Ady Gathercole4KFHG | 17.01kg37lbs 8oz | Gathercole and Swan | Canal Pool | B | 15 | — | |
99 Martin WatersGLVAH | 16.131kg35lbs 9oz | Waters and Williams | House Pool | M | 24 | — | |
100 Nigel BatemanBM22N | 16.103kg35lbs 8oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | Club Pool | C | 7 | — | |
101 Matthew RobertsEA6IR | 15.819kg34lbs 14oz | Brandrick and Roberts | Club Pool | D | 15 | — | |
102 Richard KingsCRP2V | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Blyth and Kings | Extension Pool | E | 2 | — | |
103 Dean HaymesHPQ26 | 15.536kg34lbs 4oz | Bennett and Haymes | Jennys Pool | N | 13 | — | |
104 Phil MeekEAQJY | 15.422kg34lbs | Arblaster and Meek | Club Pool | D | 13 | — | |
105 Jack ImpeyVV8KO | 15.11kg33lbs 5oz | Handley and Impey | Top Pool | T | 26 | — | |
106 Dave Hawkins5ICIV | 14.572kg32lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | New Pool | Q | 29 | — | |
107 Jeremy BensonELEGZ | 14.543kg32lbs 1oz | Benson and Douglas | High Pool | J | 46 | — | |
108 Darren WiltonC8POS | 14.487kg31lbs 15oz | Marshall and Wilton | House Pool | K | 8 | — | |
109 scott odamIXZDT | 13.494kg29lbs 12oz | Goodall and Odam | Top Pool | S | 8 | — | |
110 Eric Lillyman4JYBR | 13.012kg28lbs 11oz | Lillyman and Lyons | Jennys Pool | O | 26 | — | |
111 Ben May8JMU3 | 12.502kg27lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | High Pool | H | 15 | — | |
112 Jamie FosterX77N3 | 12.332kg27lbs 3oz | Foster and Holland | New Pool | R | 42 | — | |
113 John HannamDYILY | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | Hannam and Slockett | New Pool | P | 1 | — | |
114 Andrew DouglasA94HT | 10.574kg23lbs 5oz | Benson and Douglas | Extension Pool | E | 9 | — | |
115 Secret Angler | 9.015kg19lbs 14oz | Secret Angler | Top Pool | T | 21 | — | |
116 Derek Brady1MWX8 | 8.335kg18lbs 6oz | Brady and Moore | New Pool | Q | 19 | — | |
117 James FletcherIUDSV | 7.286kg16lbs 1oz | Fletcher and Jennings | House Pool | L | 14 | — | |
118 Richard MajorZ8A8T | 6.549kg14lbs 7oz | Harvey and Major | House Pool | M | 32 | — | |
119 Tony Mcguire0Y982 | 4.337kg9lbs 9oz | Boardman and Mcguire | Extension Pool | F | 39 | — | |
120 Sandy Mckay2HNXD | 3.629kg8lbs | Brookes and Mckay | High Pool | J | 50 | — | |
121 Darren MarshallCT1JV | DNW | Marshall and Wilton | New Pool | R | 40 | — | |
121 Josh PaceERXHB | DNW | Pace and Seabright | High Pool | G | 4 | — | |
121 Secret Angler | DNW | Secret Angler | Canal Pool | B | 19 | — | |
121 Sam Slockett4BVFO | DNW | Hannam and Slockett | High Pool | G | 6 | — |
Canal Pool | ||||||
Section A | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Danny KeenanCQ8KE | 51.057kg112lbs 9oz | Hamilton and Keenan | Canal Pool | 7 | — | |
2 Gary Wills1G9L0 | 49.782kg109lbs 12oz | Howarth and Wills | Canal Pool | 11 | — | |
3 Andrew MannHC8A6 | 44.65kg98lbs 7oz | Edlin and Mann | Canal Pool | 5 | — | |
4 Alan Scotthorne6MYGP | 43.602kg96lbs 2oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | Canal Pool | 3 | — | |
5 Stuart Evans267C9 | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Evans and Marshall | Canal Pool | 1 | — | |
Section B | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Matty Hamilton58QAJ | 81.958kg180lbs 11oz | Hamilton and Keenan | Canal Pool | 23 | — | |
2 Craig MeadowsLY3X9 | 40.426kg89lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | Canal Pool | 17 | — | |
3 Shane Jennings3GVEJ | 33.764kg74lbs 7oz | Fletcher and Jennings | Canal Pool | 21 | — | |
4 Peter CooperHBIWF | 22.311kg49lbs 3oz | Cooper and Jelfs | Canal Pool | 13 | — | |
5 Ady Gathercole4KFHG | 17.01kg37lbs 8oz | Gathercole and Swan | Canal Pool | 15 | — | |
6 Secret Angler | DNW | Secret Angler | Canal Pool | 19 | — | |
Club Pool | ||||||
Section C | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Secret Angler | 46.748kg103lbs 1oz | Secret Angler | Club Pool | 1 | — | |
2 Jack Williams95GS7 | 39.264kg86lbs 9oz | Hughes and Williams | Club Pool | 9 | — | |
3 John BradyCP6JV | 29.257kg64lbs 8oz | Brady and Christie | Club Pool | 3 | — | |
4 Darren Davies219Q7 | 27.244kg60lbs 1oz | Davies and McGhee | Club Pool | 5 | — | |
5 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 27.045kg59lbs 10oz | Dougherty and Giles | Club Pool | 11 | — | |
6 Nigel BatemanBM22N | 16.103kg35lbs 8oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | Club Pool | 7 | — | |
Section D | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Michael Barlow6LR2G | 54.8kg120lbs 13oz | Barlow and Kearsley | Club Pool | 17 | — | |
2 Richard KerridgeGQJFG | 54.686kg120lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | Club Pool | 19 | ||
3 Ross JelfsW87EW | 51.993kg114lbs 10oz | Cooper and Jelfs | Club Pool | 23 | — | |
4 Graham AndersonUUFW2 | 27.414kg60lbs 7oz | Anderson and Jones | Club Pool | 21 | — | |
5 Matthew RobertsEA6IR | 15.819kg34lbs 14oz | Brandrick and Roberts | Club Pool | 15 | — | |
6 Phil MeekEAQJY | 15.422kg34lbs | Arblaster and Meek | Club Pool | 13 | — | |
Extension Pool | ||||||
Section E | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Lee Giles7GYFE | 31.071kg68lbs 8oz | Dougherty and Giles | Extension Pool | 13 | — | |
2 James Davis5KR75 | 28.86kg63lbs 10oz | Cambridge and Davis | Extension Pool | 19 | ||
3 Carl Harvey097NS | 25.911kg57lbs 2oz | Harvey and Major | Extension Pool | 5 | — | |
4 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 22.68kg50lbs | Davies and Woodrow | Extension Pool | 7 | — | |
5 Barry Zimmerman0EW04 | 17.237kg38lbs | Arthur and Zimmerman | Extension Pool | 21 | — | |
6 Richard KingsCRP2V | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Blyth and Kings | Extension Pool | 2 | — | |
7 Andrew DouglasA94HT | 10.574kg23lbs 5oz | Benson and Douglas | Extension Pool | 9 | — | |
Section F | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 45.416kg100lbs 2oz | Brady and Christie | Extension Pool | 37 | — | |
2 Jon ArthurB45DV | 42.864kg94lbs 8oz | Arthur and Zimmerman | Extension Pool | 29 | — | |
3 Kieran MarsdenU62N5 | 33.027kg72lbs 13oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | Extension Pool | 27 | — | |
4 Connor BarlowX5HU4 | 30.504kg67lbs 4oz | Barlow and Watson | Extension Pool | 23 | — | |
5 Chris Weddell8BTPL | 23.842kg52lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | Extension Pool | 25 | — | |
6 Leon Seabright4NKLK | 17.917kg39lbs 8oz | Pace and Seabright | Extension Pool | 35 | — | |
7 Tony Mcguire0Y982 | 4.337kg9lbs 9oz | Boardman and Mcguire | Extension Pool | 39 | — | |
High Pool | ||||||
Section G | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Pete Rice7C682 | 36.372kg80lbs 3oz | Corcoran and Rice | High Pool | 14 | — | |
2 Richard WilsonKY2G0 | 27.442kg60lbs 8oz | Brindle and Wilson | High Pool | 8 | — | |
3 Sarah TaylorIZSQ7 | 24.607kg54lbs 4oz | Benwell and Taylor | High Pool | 12 | — | |
4 Neil Rudd9UNJM | 21.319kg47lbs | Falzon and Rudd | High Pool | 2 | — | |
5 Josh PaceERXHB | DNW | Pace and Seabright | High Pool | 4 | — | |
5 Sam Slockett4BVFO | DNW | Hannam and Slockett | High Pool | 6 | — | |
Section H | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Danny GrimseyY39BI | 36.401kg80lbs 4oz | Grimsey and Pearson | High Pool | 21 | — | |
2 Andy BennettK0FRA | 31.525kg69lbs 8oz | Bennett and Haymes | High Pool | 23 | — | |
3 Barry LindsayEXXBL | 28.009kg61lbs 12oz | Lindsay and Young | High Pool | 17 | — | |
4 Gus BrindleF9I1J | 22.141kg48lbs 13oz | Brindle and Wilson | High Pool | 19 | — | |
5 Alan SmithZWAQB | 18.427kg40lbs 10oz | Palmer and Smith | High Pool | 25 | — | |
6 Ben May8JMU3 | 12.502kg27lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | High Pool | 15 | — | |
Section I | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Jordan Holloway6QAJW | 44.197kg97lbs 7oz | Holloway and Potter | High Pool | 32 | — | |
2 Ben SummerscalesHAQLL | 32.602kg71lbs 14oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | High Pool | 40 | — | |
3 Jack ArblasterITNXA | 25.203kg55lbs 9oz | Arblaster and Meek | High Pool | 27 | — | |
4 Stephen PeplowT6ETW | 24.437kg53lbs 14oz | Dawes and Peplow | High Pool | 30 | — | |
5 Paul BrandrickJUSTN | 23.388kg51lbs 9oz | Brandrick and Roberts | High Pool | 34 | — | |
6 Secret Angler | 20.242kg44lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | High Pool | 38 | — | |
Section J | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Alan FalzonEJWZS | 51.341kg113lbs 3oz | Falzon and Rudd | High Pool | 42 | — | |
2 Scott McGheeCR76F | 32.46kg71lbs 9oz | Davies and McGhee | High Pool | 48 | — | |
3 Ronnie OgilvieIDTAP | 20.837kg45lbs 15oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | High Pool | 43 | — | |
4 Richard BoardmanLGIYR | 20.015kg44lbs 2oz | Boardman and Mcguire | High Pool | 45 | — | |
5 Jeremy BensonELEGZ | 14.543kg32lbs 1oz | Benson and Douglas | High Pool | 46 | — | |
6 Sandy Mckay2HNXD | 3.629kg8lbs | Brookes and Mckay | High Pool | 50 | — | |
House Pool | ||||||
Section K | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 61.575kg135lbs 12oz | Gathercole and Swan | House Pool | 5 | — | |
2 Graham RamsdaleHV7B8 | 40.058kg88lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | House Pool | 10 | — | |
3 Stuart SearsEIHU7 | 33.254kg73lbs 5oz | Jowett and Sears | House Pool | 3 | — | |
4 Richard GnosillU2ZEQ | 21.234kg46lbs 13oz | Danby and Gnosill | House Pool | 6 | — | |
5 Andy KearsleyYBKKY | 19.476kg42lbs 15oz | Barlow and Kearsley | House Pool | 2 | — | |
6 Darren WiltonC8POS | 14.487kg31lbs 15oz | Marshall and Wilton | House Pool | 8 | — | |
Section L | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Jamie PayneWTMLS | 40.625kg89lbs 9oz | Payne and Taylor-Jones | House Pool | 16 | — | |
2 Matt GoodallJCBG1 | 39.207kg86lbs 7oz | Goodall and Odam | House Pool | 12 | — | |
3 Paul Yates4GWW6 | 34.728kg76lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | House Pool | 20 | — | |
4 Eddie PearsonGMPAR | 26.564kg58lbs 9oz | Grimsey and Pearson | House Pool | 18 | — | |
5 David CambridgeGXCUW | 20.638kg45lbs 8oz | Cambridge and Davis | House Pool | 22 | — | |
6 James FletcherIUDSV | 7.286kg16lbs 1oz | Fletcher and Jennings | House Pool | 14 | — | |
Section M | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Craig ReadingK1D6I | 37.28kg82lbs 3oz | Bond and Reading | House Pool | 29 | — | |
2 Danny Terry95PXD | 31.553kg69lbs 9oz | Gallagher and Terry | House Pool | 33 | — | |
3 May Potter241IF | 28.661kg63lbs 3oz | Holloway and Potter | House Pool | 30 | — | |
4 Dave Wilson0LUQN | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Rutherford and Wilson | House Pool | 27 | — | |
5 Martin WatersGLVAH | 16.131kg35lbs 9oz | Waters and Williams | House Pool | 24 | — | |
6 Richard MajorZ8A8T | 6.549kg14lbs 7oz | Harvey and Major | House Pool | 32 | — | |
Jennys Pool | ||||||
Section N | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Les MarshallDCX87 | 63.418kg139lbs 13oz | Evans and Marshall | Jennys Pool | 2 | — | |
2 Alex Dockerty62WT4 | 48.024kg105lbs 14oz | Bourne and Dockerty | Jennys Pool | 8 | — | |
3 Paul HollandTAS0Z | 32.262kg71lbs 2oz | Foster and Holland | Jennys Pool | 6 | — | |
4 Kevin Dales4NWQP | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Dales and Waters | Jennys Pool | 4 | — | |
5 Simon BourneANP6J | 21.347kg47lbs 1oz | Bourne and Dockerty | Jennys Pool | 11 | — | |
6 Dean HaymesHPQ26 | 15.536kg34lbs 4oz | Bennett and Haymes | Jennys Pool | 13 | — | |
Section O | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 John Jowett5CHED | 40.2kg88lbs 10oz | Jowett and Sears | Jennys Pool | 24 | — | |
2 Ryan WatsonV877K | 23.473kg51lbs 12oz | Barlow and Watson | Jennys Pool | 21 | — | |
3 Charlie YoungHXGYF | 23.247kg51lbs 4oz | Lindsay and Young | Jennys Pool | 17 | — | |
4 Dylan BlythGT5AN | 20.95kg46lbs 3oz | Blyth and Kings | Jennys Pool | 15 | — | |
5 Dave PalmerFGW0G | 20.355kg44lbs 14oz | Palmer and Smith | Jennys Pool | 19 | — | |
6 Eric Lillyman4JYBR | 13.012kg28lbs 11oz | Lillyman and Lyons | Jennys Pool | 26 | — | |
New Pool | ||||||
Section P | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Mikey WilliamsD9NN3 | 27.329kg60lbs 4oz | Waters and Williams | New Pool | 4 | — | |
2 Steve Openshaw7HQ3F | 25.401kg56lbs | Openshaw and Scott | New Pool | 15 | — | |
3 James WoodrowDUPWX | 21.716kg47lbs 14oz | Davies and Woodrow | New Pool | 10 | — | |
4 Kierran Waters09R4E | 21.602kg47lbs 10oz | Dales and Waters | New Pool | 7 | — | |
5 Phil Moore4IHO1 | 19.051kg42lbs | Brady and Moore | New Pool | 13 | — | |
6 John HannamDYILY | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | Hannam and Slockett | New Pool | 1 | — | |
Section Q | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 James HowarthLZYR6 | 24.522kg54lbs 1oz | Howarth and Wills | New Pool | 25 | ||
2 Dave ScottFCJGS | 19.76kg43lbs 9oz | Openshaw and Scott | New Pool | 27 | — | |
3 Scott Bond0KQ7J | 19.703kg43lbs 7oz | Bond and Reading | New Pool | 17 | — | |
4 Allen RutherfordYBFJU | 19.391kg42lbs 12oz | Rutherford and Wilson | New Pool | 21 | — | |
5 Ben HandleyZFYX9 | 18.682kg41lbs 3oz | Handley and Impey | New Pool | 23 | — | |
6 Dave Hawkins5ICIV | 14.572kg32lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | New Pool | 29 | — | |
7 Derek Brady1MWX8 | 8.335kg18lbs 6oz | Brady and Moore | New Pool | 19 | — | |
Section R | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Jimmy BrookesEJRAD | 51.795kg114lbs 3oz | Brookes and Mckay | New Pool | 44 | — | |
2 Secret Angler | 32.942kg72lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | New Pool | 31 | — | |
3 Andy HodgeES88T | 26.138kg57lbs 10oz | Hodge and Scotthorne | New Pool | 33 | — | |
4 Jamie HughesILO6N | 24.04kg53lbs | Hughes and Williams | New Pool | 38 | ||
5 Jamie FosterX77N3 | 12.332kg27lbs 3oz | Foster and Holland | New Pool | 42 | — | |
6 Darren MarshallCT1JV | DNW | Marshall and Wilton | New Pool | 40 | — | |
Top Pool | ||||||
Section S | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 60.158kg132lbs 10oz | Anderson and Jones | Top Pool | 5 | — | |
2 Rob Parker4YES6 | 58.202kg128lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | Top Pool | 15 | — | |
3 Jack Danby1L0YI | 41.759kg92lbs 1oz | Danby and Gnosill | Top Pool | 11 | — | |
4 Chris OagV2ARO | 30.703kg67lbs 11oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | Top Pool | 13 | — | |
5 David Corcoran31VAO | 25.061kg55lbs 4oz | Corcoran and Rice | Top Pool | 1 | — | |
6 Martin PaynterDRTB6 | 19.051kg42lbs | Luck and Paynter | Top Pool | 3 | — | |
7 scott odamIXZDT | 13.494kg29lbs 12oz | Goodall and Odam | Top Pool | 8 | — | |
Section T | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Matty Dawes5EQ14 | 64.24kg141lbs 10oz | Dawes and Peplow | Top Pool | 24 | — | |
2 Andy BenwellIY639 | 43.488kg95lbs 14oz | Benwell and Taylor | Top Pool | 20 | — | |
3 Robert EdlinJX7JE | 26.904kg59lbs 5oz | Edlin and Mann | Top Pool | 31 | — | |
4 Mark Lyons7BETB | 26.422kg58lbs 4oz | Lillyman and Lyons | Top Pool | 33 | — | |
5 Nick DeanGJWAO | 17.123kg37lbs 12oz | Dean and Power | Top Pool | 29 | — | |
6 Jack ImpeyVV8KO | 15.11kg33lbs 5oz | Handley and Impey | Top Pool | 26 | — | |
7 Secret Angler | 9.015kg19lbs 14oz | Secret Angler | Top Pool | 21 | — | |
01926 842975
Tunnel Barn Farm
A commercial water coarse fishing match for competing pairs
5hrs duration, with draw time at 08:30
Net weights recorded in Imperial (lbs oz dr) units
Shrewley Common, Shrewley, Warwick, CV35 7AN
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 24
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 24
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 39
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 51
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 34
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 27
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 44
Commercial Water with coarse fishing pegs 1 to 34
01926 842975
Tunnel Barn Farm
Canal Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Matty Hamilton58QAJ | 81.958kg180lbs 11oz | Hamilton and Keenan | B | 23 | — | |
2 Danny KeenanCQ8KE | 51.057kg112lbs 9oz | Hamilton and Keenan | A | 7 | — | |
3 Gary Wills1G9L0 | 49.782kg109lbs 12oz | Howarth and Wills | A | 11 | — | |
4 Andrew MannHC8A6 | 44.65kg98lbs 7oz | Edlin and Mann | A | 5 | — | |
5 Alan Scotthorne6MYGP | 43.602kg96lbs 2oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | A | 3 | — | |
6 Craig MeadowsLY3X9 | 40.426kg89lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | B | 17 | — | |
7 Shane Jennings3GVEJ | 33.764kg74lbs 7oz | Fletcher and Jennings | B | 21 | — | |
8 Peter CooperHBIWF | 22.311kg49lbs 3oz | Cooper and Jelfs | B | 13 | — | |
9 Stuart Evans267C9 | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Evans and Marshall | A | 1 | — | |
10 Ady Gathercole4KFHG | 17.01kg37lbs 8oz | Gathercole and Swan | B | 15 | — | |
11 Secret Angler | DNW | Secret Angler | B | 19 | — | |
Club Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Michael Barlow6LR2G | 54.8kg120lbs 13oz | Barlow and Kearsley | D | 17 | — | |
2 Richard KerridgeGQJFG | 54.686kg120lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | D | 19 | ||
3 Ross JelfsW87EW | 51.993kg114lbs 10oz | Cooper and Jelfs | D | 23 | — | |
4 Secret Angler | 46.748kg103lbs 1oz | Secret Angler | C | 1 | — | |
5 Jack Williams95GS7 | 39.264kg86lbs 9oz | Hughes and Williams | C | 9 | — | |
6 John BradyCP6JV | 29.257kg64lbs 8oz | Brady and Christie | C | 3 | — | |
7 Graham AndersonUUFW2 | 27.414kg60lbs 7oz | Anderson and Jones | D | 21 | — | |
8 Darren Davies219Q7 | 27.244kg60lbs 1oz | Davies and McGhee | C | 5 | — | |
9 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 27.045kg59lbs 10oz | Dougherty and Giles | C | 11 | — | |
10 Nigel BatemanBM22N | 16.103kg35lbs 8oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | C | 7 | — | |
11 Matthew RobertsEA6IR | 15.819kg34lbs 14oz | Brandrick and Roberts | D | 15 | — | |
12 Phil MeekEAQJY | 15.422kg34lbs | Arblaster and Meek | D | 13 | — | |
Extension Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 45.416kg100lbs 2oz | Brady and Christie | F | 37 | — | |
2 Jon ArthurB45DV | 42.864kg94lbs 8oz | Arthur and Zimmerman | F | 29 | — | |
3 Kieran MarsdenU62N5 | 33.027kg72lbs 13oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | F | 27 | — | |
4 Lee Giles7GYFE | 31.071kg68lbs 8oz | Dougherty and Giles | E | 13 | — | |
5 Connor BarlowX5HU4 | 30.504kg67lbs 4oz | Barlow and Watson | F | 23 | — | |
6 James Davis5KR75 | 28.86kg63lbs 10oz | Cambridge and Davis | E | 19 | ||
7 Carl Harvey097NS | 25.911kg57lbs 2oz | Harvey and Major | E | 5 | — | |
8 Chris Weddell8BTPL | 23.842kg52lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | F | 25 | — | |
9 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 22.68kg50lbs | Davies and Woodrow | E | 7 | — | |
10 Leon Seabright4NKLK | 17.917kg39lbs 8oz | Pace and Seabright | F | 35 | — | |
11 Barry Zimmerman0EW04 | 17.237kg38lbs | Arthur and Zimmerman | E | 21 | — | |
12 Richard KingsCRP2V | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Blyth and Kings | E | 2 | — | |
13 Andrew DouglasA94HT | 10.574kg23lbs 5oz | Benson and Douglas | E | 9 | — | |
14 Tony Mcguire0Y982 | 4.337kg9lbs 9oz | Boardman and Mcguire | F | 39 | — | |
High Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Alan FalzonEJWZS | 51.341kg113lbs 3oz | Falzon and Rudd | J | 42 | — | |
2 Jordan Holloway6QAJW | 44.197kg97lbs 7oz | Holloway and Potter | I | 32 | — | |
3 Danny GrimseyY39BI | 36.401kg80lbs 4oz | Grimsey and Pearson | H | 21 | — | |
4 Pete Rice7C682 | 36.372kg80lbs 3oz | Corcoran and Rice | G | 14 | — | |
5 Ben SummerscalesHAQLL | 32.602kg71lbs 14oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | I | 40 | — | |
6 Scott McGheeCR76F | 32.46kg71lbs 9oz | Davies and McGhee | J | 48 | — | |
7 Andy BennettK0FRA | 31.525kg69lbs 8oz | Bennett and Haymes | H | 23 | — | |
8 Barry LindsayEXXBL | 28.009kg61lbs 12oz | Lindsay and Young | H | 17 | — | |
9 Richard WilsonKY2G0 | 27.442kg60lbs 8oz | Brindle and Wilson | G | 8 | — | |
10 Jack ArblasterITNXA | 25.203kg55lbs 9oz | Arblaster and Meek | I | 27 | — | |
11 Sarah TaylorIZSQ7 | 24.607kg54lbs 4oz | Benwell and Taylor | G | 12 | — | |
12 Stephen PeplowT6ETW | 24.437kg53lbs 14oz | Dawes and Peplow | I | 30 | — | |
13 Paul BrandrickJUSTN | 23.388kg51lbs 9oz | Brandrick and Roberts | I | 34 | — | |
14 Gus BrindleF9I1J | 22.141kg48lbs 13oz | Brindle and Wilson | H | 19 | — | |
15 Neil Rudd9UNJM | 21.319kg47lbs | Falzon and Rudd | G | 2 | — | |
16 Ronnie OgilvieIDTAP | 20.837kg45lbs 15oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | J | 43 | — | |
17 Secret Angler | 20.242kg44lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | I | 38 | — | |
18 Richard BoardmanLGIYR | 20.015kg44lbs 2oz | Boardman and Mcguire | J | 45 | — | |
19 Alan SmithZWAQB | 18.427kg40lbs 10oz | Palmer and Smith | H | 25 | — | |
20 Jeremy BensonELEGZ | 14.543kg32lbs 1oz | Benson and Douglas | J | 46 | — | |
21 Ben May8JMU3 | 12.502kg27lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | H | 15 | — | |
22 Sandy Mckay2HNXD | 3.629kg8lbs | Brookes and Mckay | J | 50 | — | |
23 Josh PaceERXHB | DNW | Pace and Seabright | G | 4 | — | |
23 Sam Slockett4BVFO | DNW | Hannam and Slockett | G | 6 | — | |
House Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 61.575kg135lbs 12oz | Gathercole and Swan | K | 5 | — | |
2 Jamie PayneWTMLS | 40.625kg89lbs 9oz | Payne and Taylor-Jones | L | 16 | — | |
3 Graham RamsdaleHV7B8 | 40.058kg88lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | K | 10 | — | |
4 Matt GoodallJCBG1 | 39.207kg86lbs 7oz | Goodall and Odam | L | 12 | — | |
5 Craig ReadingK1D6I | 37.28kg82lbs 3oz | Bond and Reading | M | 29 | — | |
6 Paul Yates4GWW6 | 34.728kg76lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | L | 20 | — | |
7 Stuart SearsEIHU7 | 33.254kg73lbs 5oz | Jowett and Sears | K | 3 | — | |
8 Danny Terry95PXD | 31.553kg69lbs 9oz | Gallagher and Terry | M | 33 | — | |
9 May Potter241IF | 28.661kg63lbs 3oz | Holloway and Potter | M | 30 | — | |
10 Eddie PearsonGMPAR | 26.564kg58lbs 9oz | Grimsey and Pearson | L | 18 | — | |
11 Richard GnosillU2ZEQ | 21.234kg46lbs 13oz | Danby and Gnosill | K | 6 | — | |
12 David CambridgeGXCUW | 20.638kg45lbs 8oz | Cambridge and Davis | L | 22 | — | |
13 Dave Wilson0LUQN | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Rutherford and Wilson | M | 27 | — | |
14 Andy KearsleyYBKKY | 19.476kg42lbs 15oz | Barlow and Kearsley | K | 2 | — | |
15 Martin WatersGLVAH | 16.131kg35lbs 9oz | Waters and Williams | M | 24 | — | |
16 Darren WiltonC8POS | 14.487kg31lbs 15oz | Marshall and Wilton | K | 8 | — | |
17 James FletcherIUDSV | 7.286kg16lbs 1oz | Fletcher and Jennings | L | 14 | — | |
18 Richard MajorZ8A8T | 6.549kg14lbs 7oz | Harvey and Major | M | 32 | — | |
Jennys Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Les MarshallDCX87 | 63.418kg139lbs 13oz | Evans and Marshall | N | 2 | — | |
2 Alex Dockerty62WT4 | 48.024kg105lbs 14oz | Bourne and Dockerty | N | 8 | — | |
3 John Jowett5CHED | 40.2kg88lbs 10oz | Jowett and Sears | O | 24 | — | |
4 Paul HollandTAS0Z | 32.262kg71lbs 2oz | Foster and Holland | N | 6 | — | |
5 Kevin Dales4NWQP | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Dales and Waters | N | 4 | — | |
6 Ryan WatsonV877K | 23.473kg51lbs 12oz | Barlow and Watson | O | 21 | — | |
7 Charlie YoungHXGYF | 23.247kg51lbs 4oz | Lindsay and Young | O | 17 | — | |
8 Simon BourneANP6J | 21.347kg47lbs 1oz | Bourne and Dockerty | N | 11 | — | |
9 Dylan BlythGT5AN | 20.95kg46lbs 3oz | Blyth and Kings | O | 15 | — | |
10 Dave PalmerFGW0G | 20.355kg44lbs 14oz | Palmer and Smith | O | 19 | — | |
11 Dean HaymesHPQ26 | 15.536kg34lbs 4oz | Bennett and Haymes | N | 13 | — | |
12 Eric Lillyman4JYBR | 13.012kg28lbs 11oz | Lillyman and Lyons | O | 26 | — | |
New Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Jimmy BrookesEJRAD | 51.795kg114lbs 3oz | Brookes and Mckay | R | 44 | — | |
2 Secret Angler | 32.942kg72lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | R | 31 | — | |
3 Mikey WilliamsD9NN3 | 27.329kg60lbs 4oz | Waters and Williams | P | 4 | — | |
4 Andy HodgeES88T | 26.138kg57lbs 10oz | Hodge and Scotthorne | R | 33 | — | |
5 Steve Openshaw7HQ3F | 25.401kg56lbs | Openshaw and Scott | P | 15 | — | |
6 James HowarthLZYR6 | 24.522kg54lbs 1oz | Howarth and Wills | Q | 25 | ||
7 Jamie HughesILO6N | 24.04kg53lbs | Hughes and Williams | R | 38 | ||
8 James WoodrowDUPWX | 21.716kg47lbs 14oz | Davies and Woodrow | P | 10 | — | |
9 Kierran Waters09R4E | 21.602kg47lbs 10oz | Dales and Waters | P | 7 | — | |
10 Dave ScottFCJGS | 19.76kg43lbs 9oz | Openshaw and Scott | Q | 27 | — | |
11 Scott Bond0KQ7J | 19.703kg43lbs 7oz | Bond and Reading | Q | 17 | — | |
12 Allen RutherfordYBFJU | 19.391kg42lbs 12oz | Rutherford and Wilson | Q | 21 | — | |
13 Phil Moore4IHO1 | 19.051kg42lbs | Brady and Moore | P | 13 | — | |
14 Ben HandleyZFYX9 | 18.682kg41lbs 3oz | Handley and Impey | Q | 23 | — | |
15 Dave Hawkins5ICIV | 14.572kg32lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | Q | 29 | — | |
16 Jamie FosterX77N3 | 12.332kg27lbs 3oz | Foster and Holland | R | 42 | — | |
17 John HannamDYILY | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | Hannam and Slockett | P | 1 | — | |
18 Derek Brady1MWX8 | 8.335kg18lbs 6oz | Brady and Moore | Q | 19 | — | |
19 Darren MarshallCT1JV | DNW | Marshall and Wilton | R | 40 | — | |
Top Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Matty Dawes5EQ14 | 64.24kg141lbs 10oz | Dawes and Peplow | T | 24 | — | |
2 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 60.158kg132lbs 10oz | Anderson and Jones | S | 5 | — | |
3 Rob Parker4YES6 | 58.202kg128lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | S | 15 | — | |
4 Andy BenwellIY639 | 43.488kg95lbs 14oz | Benwell and Taylor | T | 20 | — | |
5 Jack Danby1L0YI | 41.759kg92lbs 1oz | Danby and Gnosill | S | 11 | — | |
6 Chris OagV2ARO | 30.703kg67lbs 11oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | S | 13 | — | |
7 Robert EdlinJX7JE | 26.904kg59lbs 5oz | Edlin and Mann | T | 31 | — | |
8 Mark Lyons7BETB | 26.422kg58lbs 4oz | Lillyman and Lyons | T | 33 | — | |
9 David Corcoran31VAO | 25.061kg55lbs 4oz | Corcoran and Rice | S | 1 | — | |
10 Martin PaynterDRTB6 | 19.051kg42lbs | Luck and Paynter | S | 3 | — | |
11 Nick DeanGJWAO | 17.123kg37lbs 12oz | Dean and Power | T | 29 | — | |
12 Jack ImpeyVV8KO | 15.11kg33lbs 5oz | Handley and Impey | T | 26 | — | |
13 scott odamIXZDT | 13.494kg29lbs 12oz | Goodall and Odam | S | 8 | — | |
14 Secret Angler | 9.015kg19lbs 14oz | Secret Angler | T | 21 | — | |
Canal Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
9 Stuart Evans267C9 | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Evans and Marshall | A | 1 | — | |
5 Alan Scotthorne6MYGP | 43.602kg96lbs 2oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | A | 3 | — | |
4 Andrew MannHC8A6 | 44.65kg98lbs 7oz | Edlin and Mann | A | 5 | — | |
2 Danny KeenanCQ8KE | 51.057kg112lbs 9oz | Hamilton and Keenan | A | 7 | — | |
3 Gary Wills1G9L0 | 49.782kg109lbs 12oz | Howarth and Wills | A | 11 | — | |
8 Peter CooperHBIWF | 22.311kg49lbs 3oz | Cooper and Jelfs | B | 13 | — | |
10 Ady Gathercole4KFHG | 17.01kg37lbs 8oz | Gathercole and Swan | B | 15 | — | |
6 Craig MeadowsLY3X9 | 40.426kg89lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | B | 17 | — | |
11 Secret Angler | DNW | Secret Angler | B | 19 | — | |
7 Shane Jennings3GVEJ | 33.764kg74lbs 7oz | Fletcher and Jennings | B | 21 | — | |
1 Matty Hamilton58QAJ | 81.958kg180lbs 11oz | Hamilton and Keenan | B | 23 | — | |
Club Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
4 Secret Angler | 46.748kg103lbs 1oz | Secret Angler | C | 1 | — | |
6 John BradyCP6JV | 29.257kg64lbs 8oz | Brady and Christie | C | 3 | — | |
8 Darren Davies219Q7 | 27.244kg60lbs 1oz | Davies and McGhee | C | 5 | — | |
10 Nigel BatemanBM22N | 16.103kg35lbs 8oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | C | 7 | — | |
5 Jack Williams95GS7 | 39.264kg86lbs 9oz | Hughes and Williams | C | 9 | — | |
9 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 27.045kg59lbs 10oz | Dougherty and Giles | C | 11 | — | |
12 Phil MeekEAQJY | 15.422kg34lbs | Arblaster and Meek | D | 13 | — | |
11 Matthew RobertsEA6IR | 15.819kg34lbs 14oz | Brandrick and Roberts | D | 15 | — | |
1 Michael Barlow6LR2G | 54.8kg120lbs 13oz | Barlow and Kearsley | D | 17 | — | |
2 Richard KerridgeGQJFG | 54.686kg120lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | D | 19 | ||
7 Graham AndersonUUFW2 | 27.414kg60lbs 7oz | Anderson and Jones | D | 21 | — | |
3 Ross JelfsW87EW | 51.993kg114lbs 10oz | Cooper and Jelfs | D | 23 | — | |
Extension Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
12 Richard KingsCRP2V | 15.706kg34lbs 10oz | Blyth and Kings | E | 2 | — | |
7 Carl Harvey097NS | 25.911kg57lbs 2oz | Harvey and Major | E | 5 | — | |
9 Kathryn DaviesY426H | 22.68kg50lbs | Davies and Woodrow | E | 7 | — | |
13 Andrew DouglasA94HT | 10.574kg23lbs 5oz | Benson and Douglas | E | 9 | — | |
4 Lee Giles7GYFE | 31.071kg68lbs 8oz | Dougherty and Giles | E | 13 | — | |
6 James Davis5KR75 | 28.86kg63lbs 10oz | Cambridge and Davis | E | 19 | ||
11 Barry Zimmerman0EW04 | 17.237kg38lbs | Arthur and Zimmerman | E | 21 | — | |
5 Connor BarlowX5HU4 | 30.504kg67lbs 4oz | Barlow and Watson | F | 23 | — | |
8 Chris Weddell8BTPL | 23.842kg52lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | F | 25 | — | |
3 Kieran MarsdenU62N5 | 33.027kg72lbs 13oz | Marsden and Scotthorne | F | 27 | — | |
2 Jon ArthurB45DV | 42.864kg94lbs 8oz | Arthur and Zimmerman | F | 29 | — | |
10 Leon Seabright4NKLK | 17.917kg39lbs 8oz | Pace and Seabright | F | 35 | — | |
1 Andy ChristieDEAAN | 45.416kg100lbs 2oz | Brady and Christie | F | 37 | — | |
14 Tony Mcguire0Y982 | 4.337kg9lbs 9oz | Boardman and Mcguire | F | 39 | — | |
High Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
15 Neil Rudd9UNJM | 21.319kg47lbs | Falzon and Rudd | G | 2 | — | |
23 Josh PaceERXHB | DNW | Pace and Seabright | G | 4 | — | |
23 Sam Slockett4BVFO | DNW | Hannam and Slockett | G | 6 | — | |
9 Richard WilsonKY2G0 | 27.442kg60lbs 8oz | Brindle and Wilson | G | 8 | — | |
11 Sarah TaylorIZSQ7 | 24.607kg54lbs 4oz | Benwell and Taylor | G | 12 | — | |
4 Pete Rice7C682 | 36.372kg80lbs 3oz | Corcoran and Rice | G | 14 | — | |
21 Ben May8JMU3 | 12.502kg27lbs 9oz | Ben May and Kerridge | H | 15 | — | |
8 Barry LindsayEXXBL | 28.009kg61lbs 12oz | Lindsay and Young | H | 17 | — | |
14 Gus BrindleF9I1J | 22.141kg48lbs 13oz | Brindle and Wilson | H | 19 | — | |
3 Danny GrimseyY39BI | 36.401kg80lbs 4oz | Grimsey and Pearson | H | 21 | — | |
7 Andy BennettK0FRA | 31.525kg69lbs 8oz | Bennett and Haymes | H | 23 | — | |
19 Alan SmithZWAQB | 18.427kg40lbs 10oz | Palmer and Smith | H | 25 | — | |
10 Jack ArblasterITNXA | 25.203kg55lbs 9oz | Arblaster and Meek | I | 27 | — | |
12 Stephen PeplowT6ETW | 24.437kg53lbs 14oz | Dawes and Peplow | I | 30 | — | |
2 Jordan Holloway6QAJW | 44.197kg97lbs 7oz | Holloway and Potter | I | 32 | — | |
13 Paul BrandrickJUSTN | 23.388kg51lbs 9oz | Brandrick and Roberts | I | 34 | — | |
17 Secret Angler | 20.242kg44lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | I | 38 | — | |
5 Ben SummerscalesHAQLL | 32.602kg71lbs 14oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | I | 40 | — | |
1 Alan FalzonEJWZS | 51.341kg113lbs 3oz | Falzon and Rudd | J | 42 | — | |
16 Ronnie OgilvieIDTAP | 20.837kg45lbs 15oz | Ogilvie and Summerscales | J | 43 | — | |
18 Richard BoardmanLGIYR | 20.015kg44lbs 2oz | Boardman and Mcguire | J | 45 | — | |
20 Jeremy BensonELEGZ | 14.543kg32lbs 1oz | Benson and Douglas | J | 46 | — | |
6 Scott McGheeCR76F | 32.46kg71lbs 9oz | Davies and McGhee | J | 48 | — | |
22 Sandy Mckay2HNXD | 3.629kg8lbs | Brookes and Mckay | J | 50 | — | |
House Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
14 Andy KearsleyYBKKY | 19.476kg42lbs 15oz | Barlow and Kearsley | K | 2 | — | |
7 Stuart SearsEIHU7 | 33.254kg73lbs 5oz | Jowett and Sears | K | 3 | — | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 61.575kg135lbs 12oz | Gathercole and Swan | K | 5 | — | |
11 Richard GnosillU2ZEQ | 21.234kg46lbs 13oz | Danby and Gnosill | K | 6 | — | |
16 Darren WiltonC8POS | 14.487kg31lbs 15oz | Marshall and Wilton | K | 8 | — | |
3 Graham RamsdaleHV7B8 | 40.058kg88lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | K | 10 | — | |
4 Matt GoodallJCBG1 | 39.207kg86lbs 7oz | Goodall and Odam | L | 12 | — | |
17 James FletcherIUDSV | 7.286kg16lbs 1oz | Fletcher and Jennings | L | 14 | — | |
2 Jamie PayneWTMLS | 40.625kg89lbs 9oz | Payne and Taylor-Jones | L | 16 | — | |
10 Eddie PearsonGMPAR | 26.564kg58lbs 9oz | Grimsey and Pearson | L | 18 | — | |
6 Paul Yates4GWW6 | 34.728kg76lbs 9oz | Weddell and Yates | L | 20 | — | |
12 David CambridgeGXCUW | 20.638kg45lbs 8oz | Cambridge and Davis | L | 22 | — | |
15 Martin WatersGLVAH | 16.131kg35lbs 9oz | Waters and Williams | M | 24 | — | |
13 Dave Wilson0LUQN | 20.071kg44lbs 4oz | Rutherford and Wilson | M | 27 | — | |
5 Craig ReadingK1D6I | 37.28kg82lbs 3oz | Bond and Reading | M | 29 | — | |
9 May Potter241IF | 28.661kg63lbs 3oz | Holloway and Potter | M | 30 | — | |
18 Richard MajorZ8A8T | 6.549kg14lbs 7oz | Harvey and Major | M | 32 | — | |
8 Danny Terry95PXD | 31.553kg69lbs 9oz | Gallagher and Terry | M | 33 | — | |
Jennys Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Les MarshallDCX87 | 63.418kg139lbs 13oz | Evans and Marshall | N | 2 | — | |
5 Kevin Dales4NWQP | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Dales and Waters | N | 4 | — | |
4 Paul HollandTAS0Z | 32.262kg71lbs 2oz | Foster and Holland | N | 6 | — | |
2 Alex Dockerty62WT4 | 48.024kg105lbs 14oz | Bourne and Dockerty | N | 8 | — | |
8 Simon BourneANP6J | 21.347kg47lbs 1oz | Bourne and Dockerty | N | 11 | — | |
11 Dean HaymesHPQ26 | 15.536kg34lbs 4oz | Bennett and Haymes | N | 13 | — | |
9 Dylan BlythGT5AN | 20.95kg46lbs 3oz | Blyth and Kings | O | 15 | — | |
7 Charlie YoungHXGYF | 23.247kg51lbs 4oz | Lindsay and Young | O | 17 | — | |
10 Dave PalmerFGW0G | 20.355kg44lbs 14oz | Palmer and Smith | O | 19 | — | |
6 Ryan WatsonV877K | 23.473kg51lbs 12oz | Barlow and Watson | O | 21 | — | |
3 John Jowett5CHED | 40.2kg88lbs 10oz | Jowett and Sears | O | 24 | — | |
12 Eric Lillyman4JYBR | 13.012kg28lbs 11oz | Lillyman and Lyons | O | 26 | — | |
New Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
17 John HannamDYILY | 10.83kg23lbs 14oz | Hannam and Slockett | P | 1 | — | |
3 Mikey WilliamsD9NN3 | 27.329kg60lbs 4oz | Waters and Williams | P | 4 | — | |
9 Kierran Waters09R4E | 21.602kg47lbs 10oz | Dales and Waters | P | 7 | — | |
8 James WoodrowDUPWX | 21.716kg47lbs 14oz | Davies and Woodrow | P | 10 | — | |
13 Phil Moore4IHO1 | 19.051kg42lbs | Brady and Moore | P | 13 | — | |
5 Steve Openshaw7HQ3F | 25.401kg56lbs | Openshaw and Scott | P | 15 | — | |
11 Scott Bond0KQ7J | 19.703kg43lbs 7oz | Bond and Reading | Q | 17 | — | |
18 Derek Brady1MWX8 | 8.335kg18lbs 6oz | Brady and Moore | Q | 19 | — | |
12 Allen RutherfordYBFJU | 19.391kg42lbs 12oz | Rutherford and Wilson | Q | 21 | — | |
14 Ben HandleyZFYX9 | 18.682kg41lbs 3oz | Handley and Impey | Q | 23 | — | |
6 James HowarthLZYR6 | 24.522kg54lbs 1oz | Howarth and Wills | Q | 25 | ||
10 Dave ScottFCJGS | 19.76kg43lbs 9oz | Openshaw and Scott | Q | 27 | — | |
15 Dave Hawkins5ICIV | 14.572kg32lbs 2oz | Hawkins and Meadows | Q | 29 | — | |
2 Secret Angler | 32.942kg72lbs 10oz | Secret Angler | R | 31 | — | |
4 Andy HodgeES88T | 26.138kg57lbs 10oz | Hodge and Scotthorne | R | 33 | — | |
7 Jamie HughesILO6N | 24.04kg53lbs | Hughes and Williams | R | 38 | ||
19 Darren MarshallCT1JV | DNW | Marshall and Wilton | R | 40 | — | |
16 Jamie FosterX77N3 | 12.332kg27lbs 3oz | Foster and Holland | R | 42 | — | |
1 Jimmy BrookesEJRAD | 51.795kg114lbs 3oz | Brookes and Mckay | R | 44 | — | |
Top Pool | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
9 David Corcoran31VAO | 25.061kg55lbs 4oz | Corcoran and Rice | S | 1 | — | |
10 Martin PaynterDRTB6 | 19.051kg42lbs | Luck and Paynter | S | 3 | — | |
2 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 60.158kg132lbs 10oz | Anderson and Jones | S | 5 | — | |
13 scott odamIXZDT | 13.494kg29lbs 12oz | Goodall and Odam | S | 8 | — | |
5 Jack Danby1L0YI | 41.759kg92lbs 1oz | Danby and Gnosill | S | 11 | — | |
6 Chris OagV2ARO | 30.703kg67lbs 11oz | Bateman and Chris Oag | S | 13 | — | |
3 Rob Parker4YES6 | 58.202kg128lbs 5oz | Parker and Ramsdale | S | 15 | — | |
4 Andy BenwellIY639 | 43.488kg95lbs 14oz | Benwell and Taylor | T | 20 | — | |
14 Secret Angler | 9.015kg19lbs 14oz | Secret Angler | T | 21 | — | |
1 Matty Dawes5EQ14 | 64.24kg141lbs 10oz | Dawes and Peplow | T | 24 | — | |
12 Jack ImpeyVV8KO | 15.11kg33lbs 5oz | Handley and Impey | T | 26 | — | |
11 Nick DeanGJWAO | 17.123kg37lbs 12oz | Dean and Power | T | 29 | — | |
7 Robert EdlinJX7JE | 26.904kg59lbs 5oz | Edlin and Mann | T | 31 | — | |
8 Mark Lyons7BETB | 26.422kg58lbs 4oz | Lillyman and Lyons | T | 33 | — | |
Hot Fishin' Points is a competition where the results of any match you fish receives points depending on where you rank. Prizes are won for the most points accumulated, from your best 10 matches, over the 13-week season.
Mon, 3rd Jun '24 - Sun, 1st Sep '24
Entry closed on Sun, 23rd Jun '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Mar '24 - Sun, 2nd Jun '24
Entry closed on Sun, 24th Mar '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Dec '23 - Sun, 3rd Mar '24
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Sep '23 - Sun, 3rd Dec '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. We have paused ticket sales this season while we make some major backend enhancements to cope with the scale of anglers involved and make way for a mega Winter Season. With fewer Majors in Autumn all matches will fit into either the Open Matches or the Club Matches category. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 5th Jun '23 - Sun, 3rd Sep '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Summer season we had an amazing engagement from 7,468 unique anglers involved. We gave away over £10,000 in prizes and hosted a dedicated YouTube show, The Weigh-In , that followed the results of the anglers and matches in the tournament.
Mon, 6th Mar '23 - Sun, 4th Jun '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Spring season we had an impressive engagement of 6,883 unique anglers. We introduced new ways to view and segment the results, and we also added a separate junior competition to highlight the promising young talent in the sport.
Mon, 5th Dec '22 - Sun, 5th Mar '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Our Winter season witnessed a growth in participation with 3,515 unique anglers getting involved. We expanded the league to showcase Club, Open, and Major matches separately, providing a comprehensive performance overview.
Mon, 5th Sep '22 - Sun, 4th Dec '22
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
In the inaugural season we welcomed 1,969 anglers to compete in the Hot Fishin' Points Tournament. If you participated you can check out your performance here:
Any of these images can be used in your own blogs and social media posts. Simply click any thumbnail to download the image and then modify and use it however you wish.