is a free, all in one platform for match organiser and anglers to find, score and share results and competitions
Weston Pools Fishery, Morda, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 9ER, UK
Not speciifed
Not speciifed
Team | Total Weight | Angler | Weight | Water | Section | Peg | Attendance |
1 Griffiths and Spain | 83.376kg183lbs 13oz | Robbie GriffithsCTP6C | 48.846kg107lbs 11oz | The Canal | A | 9 | Full Day |
Nathan SpainT7OT1 | 34.53kg76lbs 2oz | Belvedere | A | 27 | Full Day | ||
2 Leach and Thomas | 78.897kg173lbs 15oz | Martin LeachXHQWE | 41.872kg92lbs 5oz | The Canal | A | 16 | Full Day |
Gaz thomas3M26H | 37.024kg81lbs 10oz | The Stretton | A | 7 | Full Day | ||
3 Dawes and Jones | 78.84kg173lbs 13oz | Kristian JonesKL2FF | 46.437kg102lbs 6oz | The Weir | B | 10 | Full Day |
Matty dawesDQ92B | 32.404kg71lbs 7oz | The Stretton | A | 12 | Full Day | ||
4 Openshaw and Swan | 78.443kg172lbs 15oz | Rob SwanC89BQ | 49.98kg110lbs 3oz | The Weir | B | 14 | Full Day |
Steve OpenshawHUU38 | 28.463kg62lbs 12oz | The Stretton | B | 23 | Full Day | ||
5 Oconnor and Palmer | 71.016kg156lbs 9oz | Rob PalmerE7M7H | 44.906kg99lbs | The Canal | B | 46 | Full Day |
Richard OconnorIWZK4 | 26.11kg57lbs 9oz | Belvedere | B | 8 | Full Day | ||
6 Coulson and Simpson | 67.642kg149lbs 2oz | Phil simpsonWZVQR | 41.334kg91lbs 2oz | The Canal | A | 23 | Full Day |
Dave Coulson4CJZ5 | 26.308kg58lbs | The Stretton | B | 16 | Full Day | ||
7 Green and Hick | 65.743kg144lbs 15oz | Alan Green79L36 | 48.591kg107lbs 2oz | The Weir | B | 16 | Full Day |
Gary hick57J12 | 17.151kg37lbs 13oz | Belvedere | A | 3 | Full Day | ||
8 Hughes and Covo | 65.062kg143lbs 7oz | Allan HughesHHTS3 | 37.988kg83lbs 12oz | The Canal | B | 33 | Full Day |
Phil CoventryCR17O | 27.074kg59lbs 11oz | Belvedere | A | 25 | Full Day | ||
9 Evans and Evans | 52.645kg116lbs 1oz | Niall EvansFRV7J | 30.532kg67lbs 5oz | The Stretton | A | 2 | Full Day |
David EvansZJ28Q | 22.113kg48lbs 12oz | The Weir | B | 8 | Full Day | ||
10 Dixon and Jones | 51.851kg114lbs 5oz | Sam jonesV3ONR | 27.471kg60lbs 9oz | The Canal | B | 4 | Full Day |
Kevin DixonF8AR3 | 24.381kg53lbs 12oz | Belvedere | B | 20 | Full Day | ||
11 Kent and Parker | 48.251kg106lbs 6oz | Darren KentFV8L0 | 32.914kg72lbs 9oz | The Weir | A | 18 | Full Day |
Steve ParkerHKGES | 15.337kg33lbs 13oz | Belvedere | A | 32 | Full Day | ||
12 Smith and Wang | 47.627kg105lbs | Romeo WangGR7DL | 39.037kg86lbs 1oz | Belvedere | B | 12 | Full Day |
Lloyd SmithFPTBP | 8.59kg18lbs 15oz | The Weir | A | 7 | Full Day | ||
13 Davies and Jones | 42.496kg93lbs 11oz | Alan JonesZCSX9 | 25.458kg56lbs 2oz | The Stretton | A | 10 | Full Day |
Paul DaviesZCO2B | 17.038kg37lbs 9oz | The Weir | A | 6 | Full Day | ||
14 Davies and Dougherty | 41.645kg91lbs 13oz | Dan Dougherty59CLN | 31.61kg69lbs 11oz | Belvedere | B | 18 | Full Day |
Stu DaviesEDX9R | 10.036kg22lbs 2oz | The Weir | A | 17 | Full Day | ||
15 Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | 39.321kg86lbs 11oz | Osian FitzjohnDFX3W | 24.579kg54lbs 3oz | The Canal | B | 36 | Full Day |
Edward FitzjohnCS1AU | 14.742kg32lbs 8oz | Belvedere | A | 1 | Full Day | ||
16 Mynard and Yale | 37.421kg82lbs 8oz | Nick Mynard0TEHH | 19.136kg42lbs 3oz | Belvedere | B | 6 | Full Day |
Dan Yale9MQAG | 18.285kg40lbs 5oz | The Canal | B | 6 | Full Day | ||
17 Kearney and Welsh | 35.777kg78lbs 14oz | Wayne KearneyCU77A | 24.21kg53lbs 6oz | The Weir | A | 2 | Full Day |
Ian Welsh3LUC7 | 11.567kg25lbs 8oz | The Stretton | B | 25 | Full Day | ||
18 Barwell and Collins. | 29.937kg66lbs | Terry Collins.BIN6O | 18.654kg41lbs 2oz | The Canal | A | 42 | Full Day |
Phil BarwellIM7MP | 11.283kg24lbs 14oz | The Stretton | A | 5 | Full Day | ||
19 Bridges and Grace | 27.102kg59lbs 12oz | Christine BridgesGCSN1 | 16.556kg36lbs 8oz | The Canal | A | 20 | Full Day |
Keith GraceWB4J3 | 10.546kg23lbs 4oz | Belvedere | A | 23 | Full Day | ||
20 Durbin and Durbin | 26.535kg58lbs 8oz | Dave DurbinA3OL1 | 15.224kg33lbs 9oz | The Canal | A | 18 | Full Day |
Paul DurbinDAOX1 | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Belvedere | B | 10 | Full Day | ||
21 Porter and Tinto | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Jorden TintoCRV6I | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | The Stretton | B | 14 | Full Day |
Stuart PorterAM170 | DNW | The Canal | B | 48 | Full Day | ||
22 Halliwell and Titchiner | 21.092kg46lbs 8oz | Steve HalliwellGU8AA | 12.701kg28lbs | The Stretton | B | 27 | Full Day |
Lawrence TitchinerJ216Z | 8.391kg18lbs 8oz | The Weir | A | 4 | Full Day | ||
23 Margerison and Roden | 17.208kg37lbs 15oz | Gary margerisonGWV3F | 17.208kg37lbs 15oz | The Stretton | A | 29 | Full Day |
Jamie RodenAMZU8 | DNW | The Weir | B | 9 | Full Day | ||
24 Evans and Griffiths | — | Harvey EvansGUFI1 | DNW | The Weir | B | 15 | Full Day |
Lee GriffithsY5L4D | DNW | The Stretton | B | 19 | Full Day |
Angler | Net Weight | Team | Water | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 49.98kg110lbs 3oz | Openshaw and Swan | The Weir | B | 14 | ||
2 Robbie GriffithsCTP6C | 48.846kg107lbs 11oz | Griffiths and Spain | The Canal | A | 9 | — | |
3 Alan Green79L36 | 48.591kg107lbs 2oz | Green and Hick | The Weir | B | 16 | — | |
4 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 46.437kg102lbs 6oz | Dawes and Jones | The Weir | B | 10 | — | |
5 Rob PalmerE7M7H | 44.906kg99lbs | Oconnor and Palmer | The Canal | B | 46 | — | |
6 Martin LeachXHQWE | 41.872kg92lbs 5oz | Leach and Thomas | The Canal | A | 16 | — | |
7 Phil simpsonWZVQR | 41.334kg91lbs 2oz | Coulson and Simpson | The Canal | A | 23 | — | |
8 Romeo WangGR7DL | 39.037kg86lbs 1oz | Smith and Wang | Belvedere | B | 12 | — | |
9 Allan HughesHHTS3 | 37.988kg83lbs 12oz | Hughes and Covo | The Canal | B | 33 | — | |
10 Gaz thomas3M26H | 37.024kg81lbs 10oz | Leach and Thomas | The Stretton | A | 7 | — | |
11 Nathan SpainT7OT1 | 34.53kg76lbs 2oz | Griffiths and Spain | Belvedere | A | 27 | — | |
12 Darren KentFV8L0 | 32.914kg72lbs 9oz | Kent and Parker | The Weir | A | 18 | — | |
13 Matty dawesDQ92B | 32.404kg71lbs 7oz | Dawes and Jones | The Stretton | A | 12 | — | |
14 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 31.61kg69lbs 11oz | Davies and Dougherty | Belvedere | B | 18 | — | |
15 Niall EvansFRV7J | 30.532kg67lbs 5oz | Evans and Evans | The Stretton | A | 2 | — | |
16 Steve OpenshawHUU38 | 28.463kg62lbs 12oz | Openshaw and Swan | The Stretton | B | 23 | — | |
17 Sam jonesV3ONR | 27.471kg60lbs 9oz | Dixon and Jones | The Canal | B | 4 | — | |
18 Phil CoventryCR17O | 27.074kg59lbs 11oz | Hughes and Covo | Belvedere | A | 25 | — | |
19 Dave Coulson4CJZ5 | 26.308kg58lbs | Coulson and Simpson | The Stretton | B | 16 | — | |
20 Richard OconnorIWZK4 | 26.11kg57lbs 9oz | Oconnor and Palmer | Belvedere | B | 8 | — | |
21 Alan JonesZCSX9 | 25.458kg56lbs 2oz | Davies and Jones | The Stretton | A | 10 | — | |
22 Osian FitzjohnDFX3W | 24.579kg54lbs 3oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | The Canal | B | 36 | — | |
23 Kevin DixonF8AR3 | 24.381kg53lbs 12oz | Dixon and Jones | Belvedere | B | 20 | — | |
24 Wayne KearneyCU77A | 24.21kg53lbs 6oz | Kearney and Welsh | The Weir | A | 2 | — | |
25 Jorden TintoCRV6I | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Porter and Tinto | The Stretton | B | 14 | — | |
26 David EvansZJ28Q | 22.113kg48lbs 12oz | Evans and Evans | The Weir | B | 8 | — | |
27 Nick Mynard0TEHH | 19.136kg42lbs 3oz | Mynard and Yale | Belvedere | B | 6 | — | |
28 Terry Collins.BIN6O | 18.654kg41lbs 2oz | Barwell and Collins. | The Canal | A | 42 | — | |
29 Dan Yale9MQAG | 18.285kg40lbs 5oz | Mynard and Yale | The Canal | B | 6 | — | |
30 Gary margerisonGWV3F | 17.208kg37lbs 15oz | Margerison and Roden | The Stretton | A | 29 | — | |
31 Gary hick57J12 | 17.151kg37lbs 13oz | Green and Hick | Belvedere | A | 3 | — | |
32 Paul DaviesZCO2B | 17.038kg37lbs 9oz | Davies and Jones | The Weir | A | 6 | — | |
33 Christine BridgesGCSN1 | 16.556kg36lbs 8oz | Bridges and Grace | The Canal | A | 20 | — | |
34 Steve ParkerHKGES | 15.337kg33lbs 13oz | Kent and Parker | Belvedere | A | 32 | — | |
35 Dave DurbinA3OL1 | 15.224kg33lbs 9oz | Durbin and Durbin | The Canal | A | 18 | — | |
36 Edward FitzjohnCS1AU | 14.742kg32lbs 8oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | Belvedere | A | 1 | — | |
37 Steve HalliwellGU8AA | 12.701kg28lbs | Halliwell and Titchiner | The Stretton | B | 27 | — | |
38 Ian Welsh3LUC7 | 11.567kg25lbs 8oz | Kearney and Welsh | The Stretton | B | 25 | ||
39 Paul DurbinDAOX1 | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Durbin and Durbin | Belvedere | B | 10 | — | |
40 Phil BarwellIM7MP | 11.283kg24lbs 14oz | Barwell and Collins. | The Stretton | A | 5 | — | |
41 Keith GraceWB4J3 | 10.546kg23lbs 4oz | Bridges and Grace | Belvedere | A | 23 | — | |
42 Stu DaviesEDX9R | 10.036kg22lbs 2oz | Davies and Dougherty | The Weir | A | 17 | — | |
43 Lloyd SmithFPTBP | 8.59kg18lbs 15oz | Smith and Wang | The Weir | A | 7 | — | |
44 Lawrence TitchinerJ216Z | 8.391kg18lbs 8oz | Halliwell and Titchiner | The Weir | A | 4 | — | |
45 Harvey EvansGUFI1 | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | The Weir | B | 15 | — | |
45 Jamie RodenAMZU8 | DNW | Margerison and Roden | The Weir | B | 9 | — | |
45 Lee GriffithsY5L4D | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | The Stretton | B | 19 | — | |
45 Stuart PorterAM170 | DNW | Porter and Tinto | The Canal | B | 48 | — |
Belvedere | ||||||
Section A | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Nathan SpainT7OT1 | 34.53kg76lbs 2oz | Griffiths and Spain | Belvedere | 27 | — | |
2 Phil CoventryCR17O | 27.074kg59lbs 11oz | Hughes and Covo | Belvedere | 25 | — | |
3 Gary hick57J12 | 17.151kg37lbs 13oz | Green and Hick | Belvedere | 3 | — | |
4 Steve ParkerHKGES | 15.337kg33lbs 13oz | Kent and Parker | Belvedere | 32 | — | |
5 Edward FitzjohnCS1AU | 14.742kg32lbs 8oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | Belvedere | 1 | — | |
6 Keith GraceWB4J3 | 10.546kg23lbs 4oz | Bridges and Grace | Belvedere | 23 | — | |
Section B | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Romeo WangGR7DL | 39.037kg86lbs 1oz | Smith and Wang | Belvedere | 12 | — | |
2 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 31.61kg69lbs 11oz | Davies and Dougherty | Belvedere | 18 | — | |
3 Richard OconnorIWZK4 | 26.11kg57lbs 9oz | Oconnor and Palmer | Belvedere | 8 | — | |
4 Kevin DixonF8AR3 | 24.381kg53lbs 12oz | Dixon and Jones | Belvedere | 20 | — | |
5 Nick Mynard0TEHH | 19.136kg42lbs 3oz | Mynard and Yale | Belvedere | 6 | — | |
6 Paul DurbinDAOX1 | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Durbin and Durbin | Belvedere | 10 | — | |
The Canal | ||||||
Section A | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Robbie GriffithsCTP6C | 48.846kg107lbs 11oz | Griffiths and Spain | The Canal | 9 | — | |
2 Martin LeachXHQWE | 41.872kg92lbs 5oz | Leach and Thomas | The Canal | 16 | — | |
3 Phil simpsonWZVQR | 41.334kg91lbs 2oz | Coulson and Simpson | The Canal | 23 | — | |
4 Terry Collins.BIN6O | 18.654kg41lbs 2oz | Barwell and Collins. | The Canal | 42 | — | |
5 Christine BridgesGCSN1 | 16.556kg36lbs 8oz | Bridges and Grace | The Canal | 20 | — | |
6 Dave DurbinA3OL1 | 15.224kg33lbs 9oz | Durbin and Durbin | The Canal | 18 | — | |
Section B | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Rob PalmerE7M7H | 44.906kg99lbs | Oconnor and Palmer | The Canal | 46 | — | |
2 Allan HughesHHTS3 | 37.988kg83lbs 12oz | Hughes and Covo | The Canal | 33 | — | |
3 Sam jonesV3ONR | 27.471kg60lbs 9oz | Dixon and Jones | The Canal | 4 | — | |
4 Osian FitzjohnDFX3W | 24.579kg54lbs 3oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | The Canal | 36 | — | |
5 Dan Yale9MQAG | 18.285kg40lbs 5oz | Mynard and Yale | The Canal | 6 | — | |
6 Stuart PorterAM170 | DNW | Porter and Tinto | The Canal | 48 | — | |
The Stretton | ||||||
Section A | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Gaz thomas3M26H | 37.024kg81lbs 10oz | Leach and Thomas | The Stretton | 7 | — | |
2 Matty dawesDQ92B | 32.404kg71lbs 7oz | Dawes and Jones | The Stretton | 12 | — | |
3 Niall EvansFRV7J | 30.532kg67lbs 5oz | Evans and Evans | The Stretton | 2 | — | |
4 Alan JonesZCSX9 | 25.458kg56lbs 2oz | Davies and Jones | The Stretton | 10 | — | |
5 Gary margerisonGWV3F | 17.208kg37lbs 15oz | Margerison and Roden | The Stretton | 29 | — | |
6 Phil BarwellIM7MP | 11.283kg24lbs 14oz | Barwell and Collins. | The Stretton | 5 | — | |
Section B | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Steve OpenshawHUU38 | 28.463kg62lbs 12oz | Openshaw and Swan | The Stretton | 23 | — | |
2 Dave Coulson4CJZ5 | 26.308kg58lbs | Coulson and Simpson | The Stretton | 16 | — | |
3 Jorden TintoCRV6I | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Porter and Tinto | The Stretton | 14 | — | |
4 Steve HalliwellGU8AA | 12.701kg28lbs | Halliwell and Titchiner | The Stretton | 27 | — | |
5 Ian Welsh3LUC7 | 11.567kg25lbs 8oz | Kearney and Welsh | The Stretton | 25 | ||
6 Lee GriffithsY5L4D | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | The Stretton | 19 | — | |
The Weir | ||||||
Section A | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Darren KentFV8L0 | 32.914kg72lbs 9oz | Kent and Parker | The Weir | 18 | — | |
2 Wayne KearneyCU77A | 24.21kg53lbs 6oz | Kearney and Welsh | The Weir | 2 | — | |
3 Paul DaviesZCO2B | 17.038kg37lbs 9oz | Davies and Jones | The Weir | 6 | — | |
4 Stu DaviesEDX9R | 10.036kg22lbs 2oz | Davies and Dougherty | The Weir | 17 | — | |
5 Lloyd SmithFPTBP | 8.59kg18lbs 15oz | Smith and Wang | The Weir | 7 | — | |
6 Lawrence TitchinerJ216Z | 8.391kg18lbs 8oz | Halliwell and Titchiner | The Weir | 4 | — | |
Section B | Net Weight | Team | Water | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 49.98kg110lbs 3oz | Openshaw and Swan | The Weir | 14 | ||
2 Alan Green79L36 | 48.591kg107lbs 2oz | Green and Hick | The Weir | 16 | — | |
3 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 46.437kg102lbs 6oz | Dawes and Jones | The Weir | 10 | — | |
4 David EvansZJ28Q | 22.113kg48lbs 12oz | Evans and Evans | The Weir | 8 | — | |
5 Harvey EvansGUFI1 | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | The Weir | 15 | — | |
5 Jamie RodenAMZU8 | DNW | Margerison and Roden | The Weir | 9 | — | |
01691 671812
Weston Pools Fishery
A commercial water coarse fishing match for competing pairs
5hrs duration, with draw time at 09:00
Net weights recorded in Imperial (lbs oz dr) units
Weston Pools Fishery, Morda, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 9ER, UK
Commercial Water with coarse, game, specimen carp and predator fishing pegs 1 to 200
Commercial Water with coarse and specimen carp fishing pegs 1 to 200
Commercial Water with coarse and specimen carp fishing pegs 1 to 200
Commercial Water with coarse and specimen carp fishing pegs 1 to 200
01691 671812
Weston Pools Fishery
Belvedere | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Romeo WangGR7DL | 39.037kg86lbs 1oz | Smith and Wang | B | 12 | — | |
2 Nathan SpainT7OT1 | 34.53kg76lbs 2oz | Griffiths and Spain | A | 27 | — | |
3 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 31.61kg69lbs 11oz | Davies and Dougherty | B | 18 | — | |
4 Phil CoventryCR17O | 27.074kg59lbs 11oz | Hughes and Covo | A | 25 | — | |
5 Richard OconnorIWZK4 | 26.11kg57lbs 9oz | Oconnor and Palmer | B | 8 | — | |
6 Kevin DixonF8AR3 | 24.381kg53lbs 12oz | Dixon and Jones | B | 20 | — | |
7 Nick Mynard0TEHH | 19.136kg42lbs 3oz | Mynard and Yale | B | 6 | — | |
8 Gary hick57J12 | 17.151kg37lbs 13oz | Green and Hick | A | 3 | — | |
9 Steve ParkerHKGES | 15.337kg33lbs 13oz | Kent and Parker | A | 32 | — | |
10 Edward FitzjohnCS1AU | 14.742kg32lbs 8oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | A | 1 | — | |
11 Paul DurbinDAOX1 | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Durbin and Durbin | B | 10 | — | |
12 Keith GraceWB4J3 | 10.546kg23lbs 4oz | Bridges and Grace | A | 23 | — | |
The Canal | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Robbie GriffithsCTP6C | 48.846kg107lbs 11oz | Griffiths and Spain | A | 9 | — | |
2 Rob PalmerE7M7H | 44.906kg99lbs | Oconnor and Palmer | B | 46 | — | |
3 Martin LeachXHQWE | 41.872kg92lbs 5oz | Leach and Thomas | A | 16 | — | |
4 Phil simpsonWZVQR | 41.334kg91lbs 2oz | Coulson and Simpson | A | 23 | — | |
5 Allan HughesHHTS3 | 37.988kg83lbs 12oz | Hughes and Covo | B | 33 | — | |
6 Sam jonesV3ONR | 27.471kg60lbs 9oz | Dixon and Jones | B | 4 | — | |
7 Osian FitzjohnDFX3W | 24.579kg54lbs 3oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | B | 36 | — | |
8 Terry Collins.BIN6O | 18.654kg41lbs 2oz | Barwell and Collins. | A | 42 | — | |
9 Dan Yale9MQAG | 18.285kg40lbs 5oz | Mynard and Yale | B | 6 | — | |
10 Christine BridgesGCSN1 | 16.556kg36lbs 8oz | Bridges and Grace | A | 20 | — | |
11 Dave DurbinA3OL1 | 15.224kg33lbs 9oz | Durbin and Durbin | A | 18 | — | |
12 Stuart PorterAM170 | DNW | Porter and Tinto | B | 48 | — | |
The Stretton | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Gaz thomas3M26H | 37.024kg81lbs 10oz | Leach and Thomas | A | 7 | — | |
2 Matty dawesDQ92B | 32.404kg71lbs 7oz | Dawes and Jones | A | 12 | — | |
3 Niall EvansFRV7J | 30.532kg67lbs 5oz | Evans and Evans | A | 2 | — | |
4 Steve OpenshawHUU38 | 28.463kg62lbs 12oz | Openshaw and Swan | B | 23 | — | |
5 Dave Coulson4CJZ5 | 26.308kg58lbs | Coulson and Simpson | B | 16 | — | |
6 Alan JonesZCSX9 | 25.458kg56lbs 2oz | Davies and Jones | A | 10 | — | |
7 Jorden TintoCRV6I | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Porter and Tinto | B | 14 | — | |
8 Gary margerisonGWV3F | 17.208kg37lbs 15oz | Margerison and Roden | A | 29 | — | |
9 Steve HalliwellGU8AA | 12.701kg28lbs | Halliwell and Titchiner | B | 27 | — | |
10 Ian Welsh3LUC7 | 11.567kg25lbs 8oz | Kearney and Welsh | B | 25 | ||
11 Phil BarwellIM7MP | 11.283kg24lbs 14oz | Barwell and Collins. | A | 5 | — | |
12 Lee GriffithsY5L4D | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | B | 19 | — | |
The Weir | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 49.98kg110lbs 3oz | Openshaw and Swan | B | 14 | ||
2 Alan Green79L36 | 48.591kg107lbs 2oz | Green and Hick | B | 16 | — | |
3 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 46.437kg102lbs 6oz | Dawes and Jones | B | 10 | — | |
4 Darren KentFV8L0 | 32.914kg72lbs 9oz | Kent and Parker | A | 18 | — | |
5 Wayne KearneyCU77A | 24.21kg53lbs 6oz | Kearney and Welsh | A | 2 | — | |
6 David EvansZJ28Q | 22.113kg48lbs 12oz | Evans and Evans | B | 8 | — | |
7 Paul DaviesZCO2B | 17.038kg37lbs 9oz | Davies and Jones | A | 6 | — | |
8 Stu DaviesEDX9R | 10.036kg22lbs 2oz | Davies and Dougherty | A | 17 | — | |
9 Lloyd SmithFPTBP | 8.59kg18lbs 15oz | Smith and Wang | A | 7 | — | |
10 Lawrence TitchinerJ216Z | 8.391kg18lbs 8oz | Halliwell and Titchiner | A | 4 | — | |
11 Harvey EvansGUFI1 | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | B | 15 | — | |
11 Jamie RodenAMZU8 | DNW | Margerison and Roden | B | 9 | — | |
Belvedere | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
10 Edward FitzjohnCS1AU | 14.742kg32lbs 8oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | A | 1 | — | |
8 Gary hick57J12 | 17.151kg37lbs 13oz | Green and Hick | A | 3 | — | |
7 Nick Mynard0TEHH | 19.136kg42lbs 3oz | Mynard and Yale | B | 6 | — | |
5 Richard OconnorIWZK4 | 26.11kg57lbs 9oz | Oconnor and Palmer | B | 8 | — | |
11 Paul DurbinDAOX1 | 11.311kg24lbs 15oz | Durbin and Durbin | B | 10 | — | |
1 Romeo WangGR7DL | 39.037kg86lbs 1oz | Smith and Wang | B | 12 | — | |
3 Dan Dougherty59CLN | 31.61kg69lbs 11oz | Davies and Dougherty | B | 18 | — | |
6 Kevin DixonF8AR3 | 24.381kg53lbs 12oz | Dixon and Jones | B | 20 | — | |
12 Keith GraceWB4J3 | 10.546kg23lbs 4oz | Bridges and Grace | A | 23 | — | |
4 Phil CoventryCR17O | 27.074kg59lbs 11oz | Hughes and Covo | A | 25 | — | |
2 Nathan SpainT7OT1 | 34.53kg76lbs 2oz | Griffiths and Spain | A | 27 | — | |
9 Steve ParkerHKGES | 15.337kg33lbs 13oz | Kent and Parker | A | 32 | — | |
The Canal | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
6 Sam jonesV3ONR | 27.471kg60lbs 9oz | Dixon and Jones | B | 4 | — | |
9 Dan Yale9MQAG | 18.285kg40lbs 5oz | Mynard and Yale | B | 6 | — | |
1 Robbie GriffithsCTP6C | 48.846kg107lbs 11oz | Griffiths and Spain | A | 9 | — | |
3 Martin LeachXHQWE | 41.872kg92lbs 5oz | Leach and Thomas | A | 16 | — | |
11 Dave DurbinA3OL1 | 15.224kg33lbs 9oz | Durbin and Durbin | A | 18 | — | |
10 Christine BridgesGCSN1 | 16.556kg36lbs 8oz | Bridges and Grace | A | 20 | — | |
4 Phil simpsonWZVQR | 41.334kg91lbs 2oz | Coulson and Simpson | A | 23 | — | |
5 Allan HughesHHTS3 | 37.988kg83lbs 12oz | Hughes and Covo | B | 33 | — | |
7 Osian FitzjohnDFX3W | 24.579kg54lbs 3oz | Fitzjohn and Fitzjohn | B | 36 | — | |
8 Terry Collins.BIN6O | 18.654kg41lbs 2oz | Barwell and Collins. | A | 42 | — | |
2 Rob PalmerE7M7H | 44.906kg99lbs | Oconnor and Palmer | B | 46 | — | |
12 Stuart PorterAM170 | DNW | Porter and Tinto | B | 48 | — | |
The Stretton | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
3 Niall EvansFRV7J | 30.532kg67lbs 5oz | Evans and Evans | A | 2 | — | |
11 Phil BarwellIM7MP | 11.283kg24lbs 14oz | Barwell and Collins. | A | 5 | — | |
1 Gaz thomas3M26H | 37.024kg81lbs 10oz | Leach and Thomas | A | 7 | — | |
6 Alan JonesZCSX9 | 25.458kg56lbs 2oz | Davies and Jones | A | 10 | — | |
2 Matty dawesDQ92B | 32.404kg71lbs 7oz | Dawes and Jones | A | 12 | — | |
7 Jorden TintoCRV6I | 24.097kg53lbs 2oz | Porter and Tinto | B | 14 | — | |
5 Dave Coulson4CJZ5 | 26.308kg58lbs | Coulson and Simpson | B | 16 | — | |
12 Lee GriffithsY5L4D | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | B | 19 | — | |
4 Steve OpenshawHUU38 | 28.463kg62lbs 12oz | Openshaw and Swan | B | 23 | — | |
10 Ian Welsh3LUC7 | 11.567kg25lbs 8oz | Kearney and Welsh | B | 25 | ||
9 Steve HalliwellGU8AA | 12.701kg28lbs | Halliwell and Titchiner | B | 27 | — | |
8 Gary margerisonGWV3F | 17.208kg37lbs 15oz | Margerison and Roden | A | 29 | — | |
The Weir | Net Weight | Team | Section | Peg | Sponsor | |
5 Wayne KearneyCU77A | 24.21kg53lbs 6oz | Kearney and Welsh | A | 2 | — | |
10 Lawrence TitchinerJ216Z | 8.391kg18lbs 8oz | Halliwell and Titchiner | A | 4 | — | |
7 Paul DaviesZCO2B | 17.038kg37lbs 9oz | Davies and Jones | A | 6 | — | |
9 Lloyd SmithFPTBP | 8.59kg18lbs 15oz | Smith and Wang | A | 7 | — | |
6 David EvansZJ28Q | 22.113kg48lbs 12oz | Evans and Evans | B | 8 | — | |
11 Jamie RodenAMZU8 | DNW | Margerison and Roden | B | 9 | — | |
3 Kristian JonesKL2FF | 46.437kg102lbs 6oz | Dawes and Jones | B | 10 | — | |
1 Rob SwanC89BQ | 49.98kg110lbs 3oz | Openshaw and Swan | B | 14 | ||
11 Harvey EvansGUFI1 | DNW | Evans and Griffiths | B | 15 | — | |
2 Alan Green79L36 | 48.591kg107lbs 2oz | Green and Hick | B | 16 | — | |
8 Stu DaviesEDX9R | 10.036kg22lbs 2oz | Davies and Dougherty | A | 17 | — | |
4 Darren KentFV8L0 | 32.914kg72lbs 9oz | Kent and Parker | A | 18 | — | |
Hot Fishin' Points is a competition where the results of any match you fish receives points depending on where you rank. Prizes are won for the most points accumulated, from your best 10 matches, over the 13-week season.
Mon, 3rd Jun '24 - Sun, 1st Sep '24
Entry closed on Sun, 23rd Jun '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Mar '24 - Sun, 2nd Jun '24
Entry closed on Sun, 24th Mar '24
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Dec '23 - Sun, 3rd Mar '24
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 4th Sep '23 - Sun, 3rd Dec '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Check your performance in this 'Just For Fun' season of the tournament. We have paused ticket sales this season while we make some major backend enhancements to cope with the scale of anglers involved and make way for a mega Winter Season. With fewer Majors in Autumn all matches will fit into either the Open Matches or the Club Matches category. Your best 10 results over the 13-week season will be used to determine the UK's top anglers!
Mon, 5th Jun '23 - Sun, 3rd Sep '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Summer season we had an amazing engagement from 7,468 unique anglers involved. We gave away over £10,000 in prizes and hosted a dedicated YouTube show, The Weigh-In , that followed the results of the anglers and matches in the tournament.
Mon, 6th Mar '23 - Sun, 4th Jun '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
During the Spring season we had an impressive engagement of 6,883 unique anglers. We introduced new ways to view and segment the results, and we also added a separate junior competition to highlight the promising young talent in the sport.
Mon, 5th Dec '22 - Sun, 5th Mar '23
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
Our Winter season witnessed a growth in participation with 3,515 unique anglers getting involved. We expanded the league to showcase Club, Open, and Major matches separately, providing a comprehensive performance overview.
Mon, 5th Sep '22 - Sun, 4th Dec '22
Entry closed on Wed, 31st Dec '69
In the inaugural season we welcomed 1,969 anglers to compete in the Hot Fishin' Points Tournament. If you participated you can check out your performance here:
Any of these images can be used in your own blogs and social media posts. Simply click any thumbnail to download the image and then modify and use it however you wish.